
15 Kids.....Activity Ideas?????

by  |  earlier

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I'm working at a day camp and I have 15 kids, a black top and a room with board games and some art stuff and I have a small budget of $150. I need to keep these kids entertained for 4hrs a day for 3 weeks. Any ideas? Please help?




  1. Capture the flag, hide and go seek, red rover, some outdoor stuff should keep you in your budget.

  2. Play some games such as: hangman, goodnight, black rabbit, catch, etc.

    With your art stuff you can occupy the kids for hours. All you need is some good arts and crafts ideas which you can find on the net.

    Make simple desserts – chocolate balls, fruit salad or edible crafts.

    Give them riddles and brain teasers kids of all ages just love them.

    I hope these ideas are helpful.

    Have Fun!

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