
15 Questions About Religion?

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For my comparative religion class I need to come up with 15 questions about religion...but im having trouble thinking of some. Any suggestions? They should not be really about one specific religion, but more philosophical instead.




  1. 1. Why did man feel the need to create religion?

    2. Why is religion used as a scare tactic?

    3. Why has religion cause so much destruction, hatred, killing, torture and war?

    4. Is there any true religion, given that they are all made up?

    5. Why are there some many hypocrites in the religious field?

    6. Why do religious organization get some many tax breaks?

    7. Why are people condemned to a place that doesn't exist, just because they don't :believe"?

    There, that should get you started.

  2. It occurs to me that you are currently on a forum that continuously asks religious questions...

  3. 1.  Why does religion exist?

    2.  When did the first religion get started?

    3.  Are religions that originate in agricultural societies different from those that originate in hunter-gatherer societies?

    4.  If Neanderthals buried their dead with flowers, can we say that they were religious?

    5.  There are many different creation stories.  Which is the least ridiculous?

    6.  Is there any real evidence for the existence of a god or gods?

    7.  Why would a god who created everything have a "chosen people" subset of the people he made?

    8.  Do wars over religion kill as many as wars over territory/resources?

  4. Who/What is god(s)?

    What kind of moral codes does religion have?

    Why don't religions come together and make a religion good for everybody?

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