
15 Weeks with Twin boys...should I?

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I found out that I'm having twin boys and that will make five boys in all at home, oldest is 11. Should I keep trying for a girl or just give up? My husband doesn't mind but I have a career that I don 't want to give up and financially I don't want to be living paycheck to paycheck for the rest of my life.

The more kids you add to your home the more it seems it takes away from the others, would it be fair to the others to keep trying just to have a daughter?




  1. Unless you want more kids, regardless of gender, I would personally stop. I have three sons, and must say I am sick to death of the "are you going back for the girl" question!! I am content and extremely grateful for my three boys. Whats to say it will be a girl, anyway? There is no guarantee.

    Myself personally, I am now simply looking forward to the grand daughter/s!

  2. Since it seems to me you are a loving mom because you care about whether its taking away from the others, I think you should try for adoption. You can request a child that doesnt have to have extra help with the explaination that there are alot of other children.

  3. Have you maybe concidered adoption?

    Its a great way to save a child and you get to pick the age and gender. Cant go wrong there.

  4. If youre gonna have to be living pay check to paycheck then no i would say stop trying. 5 kids is more than enough. Youre gonna get 5 daughter in laws so be content with that.

  5. My grandma had 7 boys before she started to have girls (she has 16 kids total)

    If God has blessed you with boys.. take it!

    Have you thought about adopting a girl?

  6. just stop, your taking away from there happiness, and if you manage to get a girl you'd just bring her into an unhappy crowded family

  7. That's a personal question that you need to answer, not us.

    I have 5 boys, and am perfectly happy with having all son's. Yes, in 3-5 year we are thinking of having another, but if it's a boy I WILL be happy.

    I'd love a daughter, but if it doesn't happy I am fine.

  8. Have you also thought that maybe you just can't have girls? My aunty couldn't have boys (weird i know) but thats just the way it was, just think of those people who can't have kids at all, be greatful for what you've got :-) and also, your likely to get at least 1 grandaughter!!!

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