
15 Year Old Ice Skating Is It To Late?

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But I Was on the ICE At 12YEARS

I Am A Boy I have Dance Since I was little to

I will do what ever it takes Do be A Great Figure Skater I have All Couch how tech me




  1. NEVER! it is never ever to late to start. if you have enough heart into it you will be able to achive great levels of skating!

  2. You're never too old to learn!  At 15, you may even catch on faster.  One of the bad things about beginning to skate at a very young age is while kids may quickly get through their single and double jumps, they hit puberty and have to adjust to a totally different body.  Older skaters don't have to worry about that and also have a little more maturity (and a longer attention span!) on their side.  The dance will really help you in skating -- as skating may also help your dance.  At 15, you can still get through your basics and still do competitons, if that is where your interest is.  At 21 in the US, you can skate adult track.  Adults have their own tests, competitions and even Nationals.  Skating as an adult is much different than skating as a kid.  There is less pressure than skating as a kid because everyone thinks they're going to be the next Tara Lipinski or Brian Boitano.  As an adult, there's a more realistic view of ones strengths, weaknesses and personal goals.  Also, adult skaters skate because THEY want to -- not because mom or dad is living vicariously through them!  I think, from experiencing skating as a kid and adult, that it's more fun to skate being older.  :)  Good luck and go get 'em!  I hope you decide to skate!!

  3. no its not! in my class (all levels from pre-alpha to beta) there are girls of 17-18 years!=D and someday they will compete too!!!

  4. Definatley not!!!! Skating is a lifetime sport. At Competitions I've seen an age range from 4-70 years of age. I would get some reidell skates go to this website> and find an arena near to your area and find a coach that is right for you. Good Luck Skating!!!! I'm sure if you work hard and try you will catch on in no time

  5. Well you've heard it from everyone else- no! it's not to late! I'm 15 and just started 2 months ago. Being a dancer and having skated before will definately help you. I started just rec. skating when I was very little. So already knowing how saves you the time it would take to learn, and you can move on to other basic things. So ya, you'll be able to compete and stuff, just probably not Olympics. And as an adult! So good luck and have fun!!

  6. To be honest To start at 15 is a bit late. If you want to be doing doubles and tripples and compete at the oyplimics it going to be about 11 years intill you can.



  8. truely, it is a little late if you want to be in the olympics. It takes a long time to get good enough to do all the jumps. You will have to have a private coach, ice time, and no time for anything else if you really want it. I know, because i've skated since i was 5. but good luck!

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