
15 and fink i might be pregnant,do i look it?

by  |  earlier

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i took this 2day i haven't had a period for 5 months




  1. Im 90% sure your pregnant! See a doctor, for your babys health.

    It looks to late to have an abortion, Good luck & Be the best mother you can be :)

  2. Yes, I'd say you look pregnant with possibly more than one in the oven.  You might want to consider some spelling and grammer courses while you're at it.  Good luck.

  3. Sorry to say this but you look pregnant! I would recommend seeing a doctor.

  4. The belly's very rounded, I'm surprised your parents havretn noticed

  5. OMG...if u have to ask when the answer is a blatent yes, you need a slap, you shoulda just kept your legs closed in the first place! what happened to contraception? I should be more sympathetic but I get real pissed off when I see this. Ur just a kid! Kids having kids, anyways go see a doctor.

  6. Ok, thats a pregnant stomach! And 5 months?! wouldnt you have checked after missing it just once. Anyway, You should see a doctor. Good Luck!  

  7. Lol If your not pregnant i'll be shocked you don't grow that round by eating vegetables

  8. yes hunny you do although if you are hiding it well this may be why you parents haven't noticed but in a few weeks you will be unable to i know its a scary time but please try and speak to your mum or dad my sister got pregnant at 16 and was to scared to talk to anyone and ended up with really bad complications with herself and the baby because she didn't see a doctor and ended up being in hospital for weeks due to undiagnosed pre-ecampsia you really must go and get checked out hunny but speak to you mum or dad they may react badly at first but this will probably be shock but once they have calmed down they should be supportive and during pregnancy some support is really what you need , if you feel you realy cant talk to your parents right now go to your doctors not only will they be able to give you a thourough check up they will also be able to put you in touch with specifically designed organiseations to help you ie teen pregnacy help lines and maybe councelling for you parents to help you both talk trough any issues good luck with everything xx

  9. Yes, you look pregnant.  If you had s*x and you have not had your period you might be pregnant.  The only way to know for sure without going to your doctor is to take a home test.  

    You must do something about it straightaway.  If you are pregnant you need to get the right antenatal care, be eating the right food and preparing for the birth.

    Please do it today and take good care of yourself from now on.

  10. Hi Jaydee B, I'm not going to come on here and criticise you like i have read others do!! but i would say that there is a very high chance that you are pregnant and judging by that picture you look how i look and I'm pregnant, not 5 months yet doh! anyway what should be upper most in your mind now is getting it confirmed and going through your options with your GP, and getting yourself booked into your local maternity hospital. Also it would be a wise idea to talk to your mum and baby father as your going to need their up most support now! another thing you need to think about is finance and accommodation. My friend had twins at 17 and she coped. just like you will. go to your local job centre and apply for a maternity grant that's £500 you can claim after your 7month period.  as someone else very rightly said its way too late for an elective abortion, the only way you can have one now is if the child was a risk to your health and well being. i do not recommend this option. the biggest advise i would give is to talk to your parents (don't know how close you are to them) they can advise you way more than we can, and have the trip to the GP as a thing to do in your diary!  

    I hope this has helped.

    Let me no how things go!!

    Best of Luck

    Sarahjane xxxxxxx

  11. You obviously have absolutely no common sense.

  12. just been looking at your other questions, and i think its safe to say that this picture isn't of you. why do you kids ask questions like this? does it make you feel like a grown up??

  13. honey, i don't know why you haven't considered it sooner because I am very strongly convinced by that picture that you are pregnant. you are farrr past an at home test, go straight to a doctor and tell them everything regardless of your age. You and you're baby need help and It'd be a sin to continue to do that to an innocent child.

  14. It's a bit noticable that you are. If you haven't had your periods in 5 months then you are pregnant, thats only if you had s*x in the past 5-6 months.

  15. You need to get a doctors care, get on some vitamins. Yes 5 months of no period its a good chance that u r. There r alot of programs that can help u have a healthy pregnancy and well child care to. Good luck to u and ur baby. I hope it all works out for u.

  16. omg yooh look 5 months gone!!! cause its not that your getting fat cause its just your center stomach and your belly button is sticking out like a preg women!! take a test and go see a docter. also i showed my mum the pic there now and she said that your defiantly preggant and trust me she nos. she has 4 kids.

    goodluck :]

  17. are you messing, im 6 1/2 months pregnant and you look as big as me, if you havent had a period for 5 months why havent you been the drs or done a test !

  18. If you can't tell if you're pregnant and you don't know the signs what were you doing having s*x in the first place and you're 15 and you don't that if you're period is late 5 months that gee, well maybe something might be wrong?

    Of course you're pregnant if your somach is bowl shaped and hard to push in like when you aren't pregnant

  19. You are 100% pregnant! If you care (even just a little bit) for your child, go to a doctor to do a check up. It is very important to your child's health and to yours too.

    You must be courage and face the new reality!

  20. Yes you do look pregnant. If you wear lose clothes you may be able to hide it but not for long. Make some plans regarding what you gonna do with the baby when it is born. You also need to see a doctor soon, so you will receive appropriate maternity care. I am sure you also feel the baby moving around (some bubbling feeling).

  21. I've come across this situation with two of my Friends and if i were you talk to a friend about it or go to the family planning clinic and they will give you a pregnancy test or wait until your period or something because my mate who's and she 15 was in this spot and i brought her a test so and she felt more better knowing that she wasn't pregnant but she still miss 3 months of her period and ive looked at your picture and you look about 5 and a half months

  22. your defo pregnant if ya haven't had a period in 5 months and ya belly looks bloated wot else is it go to doctors for a scan x

  23. Erm yes you are pregnant and it looks like you are more than 5 months.

    If you haven't seen a doctor already i think you should go immediately. Jeez how come you never took a pregnancy test after not having a period for 5 months.

    I was reading one of your other questions, if you are so frightened of your dad hitting you when you tell him then go out shopping with him and tell him then that way if he does he can get into serious trouble.

    Good luck. xx

    EDIT* - You have missed a lot of care you know, you should have had 2 scans by now and a few tests done, just to check for illnesses and things, so i would go to you GP or local hospital as soon as you can hun. SInce you have missed them earlier as well i would start taking some folic acid to help the baby and take some vitamins to help you.

  24. Oh yes you look preg to me girl suprised no-one else has noticed that bump get the bloody docs kiddo!

  25. Yeah I'd say your pregnant.

    Why have you left it this late to think about it, you should have thought about it when you missed your first or even second period.

    You need to book in with a midwife ASAP so she can check you and the baby are ok.

    You need to tell your parents too, it's abit hard to imagine how they can't tell though

    Good Luck

  26. that's def a baby bump you've got there. If you have'nt had a period in such a long time, why have'nt you been to the doctor about it? Get to the doctors now to get yourself checked out and the baby.You also say in previous posts that you've done two tests and more than likely they are positive because you had un-protected s*x four and a half months ago and two positive lines came up both times. Does'nt take a genius to work it out, does it?

  27. defnitely go and see your doctor, and im surprised your parents havent noticed this yet. i dont want your life to be ruined because of a mistake you made for one night. although it seems alright now, how are you going to go to school with the baby? how are you going to suceed.

    i would suggest abortion but that isnt allowed after the baby hearts starts beating so..  i think you should give the baby to one of your famiyl members or something like juno did in the movie

    God bless you and i hope things work out for you and that your life isnt ruined

  28. Aye, I'd say you're pregnant, I'm 33 weeks and I'm around that size..  

  29. Yea you do look pregnant and if you hadnt had your period for five months i would say h**l yea your prengnant. Hope everything works out for you and go to doc its important to your lil one. Good Luck

  30. ide say definatly , your pregnant , my friend is just gone 6 months and she is about the same size as what you are showing , you realy need to go and see your doctor ...x

    hope everything goes well , and congrats...x


  31. if u havent had a period for 5months wouldnt u be worried by now im 17 and 30weeks pregnant and tellin u now the min i relised i was late i did a test  

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