
15 had s*x a week what's going on?!?

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Ok here's what happened. We (my boyfriend and I) obviously had s*x- as you can see from the question above. i think i'm either stressing, having a "fake conception" or really and truly might possibly BE pregnant.

1.) symptoms:

b*****s feel: bigger, sore when touched, uncomfortable with a bra on, the nipple got a little darker, and right now they feel kind of like i got punched in the boob a few days ago (i really did NOT) and now they have a bruise or something (they DO NOT have bruises)...

my stomach: I'M ALWAYS HUNGRY! and i was kinda boarder line anorexic because i was never really hungry. i'm craving chili fries and slushies and hot dogs and funnel cakes and all that good (yet so bad) stuff.

my lower belly (below the belly button and stomach areas): hurts with irriating pains like some one's jabbing me with their finger there. and it grew...outwards.

we didn't use a condom b/c the spermicidal (only kind he got) hurt me it didn't feel good, it burned. so we had unprotected. we had intercoarse like 6 times in two days...

I know that America is 50-50 on teen s*x issues and stuff, but DO NOT JUDGE ME! I chose to have s*x with him because i love him and i wanted him to be the one. i was going to wait until marriage originally but i'd rather him know that he got my virginity because i love him, not because he married me. That's all i have to say about that.

Please help me. I need advice. Am i pregnant?having a "fake conception"? or am i just wigging out for no reason?

If i am pregnant, how do i tell my mom? My boyfriend knows i'm might possibly be, he's really being great about it. but my mom i'm not so sure would be willing to help me...

Also if i am pregnant,,,what all do i need to know?

even if you can't answer the original- just answer those...please help me Y!A...i really need some advice.

Boyfriend- 17, me- 15, a few weeks shy of 16




  1. you should get a test and take it in about another week or 2, if you are, you should definately tell your parents

  2. i believe since it was ur first time ur just to nervous about whats next..

    i really dont believe your pregnant but yet im not a doctor i can be wrong .. but is wayyy to early to be sure if you are pregnant....

    wait a lil longer and if you still feel the same way then take a home pregnancy test,,,  

  3. if u start having cramps but no period the take a prego test

  4. Well first of all having s*x at your age is wrong because your b/f can be caught in some states for statutory rape. Secondly, you really cannot tell if you're pregnant just after a week of having s*x. But if you didn't have him use a condom or some other form of birth control, it's a fairly safe bet you're heading that early path down to motherhood. Thirdly, just cause you're given some form of birth control incase you do have s*x is not truely a reason just to go out and do it!

    I think you're having an anxiety attack, at least that's what it sounds like from this end. If you miss your period then it's time to worry.

    But ask yourself...are you willing to continue the risk of having s*x if you cannot support a child with a job at your age? Mom and dad are going to be dissapointed if you keep up this act and wind up pregnant. Then you also have to worry about if your b/f will be man enough and stand by you and become a father to your child.

    It costs more than $100,000 to raise to put him/her from infant to college. I hope to God you're not pregnant and wise up. You have your whole life ahead of you and plenty of time in the future to have s*x but knowing the child will have a better future than now if you were pregnant.

    If you do get pregnant now even by accident, think about more late nights partying, every one will ignore you, except your closest friends and family. You don't want to be outcast at that age.

    If you do get pregnant, let your parents know asap. They can help you make the correct decision based on your age and health and ability to provide for the child if you are pregnant.

    Good luck, hope you're not, I hope this is a wakeup call and you don't play around with this stuff anymore.

  5. at one week it's too soon to know anything..

    but that is really odd.. are you sure you haven't had s*x farther back than that?  

    other than that, it could just be a huge growth spurt.. or a serious illness unrelated to s*x

  6. okay no i'm not going to judge you,

    what you do is your own choice and i understand that.

    But you should take a drug store test, and if its positive then see a doctor.

    You might just be getting your period.

    I sure hope so !

    but please take my advice, im not trying to preech to you, but just use a condom.  if that one hurts then buy ones without that coating on them, try a different brand or something.

    I'm really in no place of experience because i'm only the same age as you,

    but please just be careful, love.

    hope this helps, and i wish the best for you  :)

  7. you wouldnt be able to tell yet. you wouldn't even have that many signs only a week in.

  8. Be responsible of your acts..

    If you knew how to open your legs, then you should know how to take responsibility of what you did !

  9. find out if you are preggers before you do anything els. then test for STDS

  10. Um spermacide isn't effective unless you use it WITH a condom.

    Get on the pill GIRL!!! Call Planned Parenthood NOW and get free condoms and birth control!!! Seriously, don't be stupid.

  11. Well if you guys couldn't get access to a decent enough condom, then I'm pretty sure you won't be able to get a pregnancy test either.

    So I guess you should wait a while; for more symptoms. Then of course, you'll have to tell your parents, once you are fully sure that it's not just a false alarm.

    Better still, go see your Doctor.

  12. your too young to have s*x

  13. I don't think one week is enough time to feel those symptoms of pregnancy.  You can buy a test at the drugstore and they are pretty accurate.  That is what I would suggest.  

    Not judging, but I would try to find some form of contraceptive.  It is not worth the risk.  It is very easy to get pregnant without and it can really mess things up for you.

  14. Probably the best thing you can do right now is to take a pregnancy test. You should get two so you're absolutely sure. If you're embarrassed to get one yourself, do you have anyone older that can get one for you?

    If you do end up pregnant, you should be honest with your mom about why you decided to have s*x. She might wig out for a while, but as a loving mother, she should help you get through it. You should also inform his parents as well.

    Once that's settled, you should think about if you're going to keep the baby or if it'd be better for you to give it up for adoption. If you do keep it, figure out who's going to take care of it while you're at school, and if you're going to marry your boyfriend. Everyone will harp at you about how you're too young, but it already happened. You can't change the past. So just figure out what you're gonna do from here on.

  15. Look, I am afraid to say that you may be pregnant. BUT do not rule out anxiety and stress. You may be fretting about pregnant, because you just have had s*x. I dont know. The most important thing is about staying calm and thinking of the positives. On the issue of your mother, tell her immediately, she may be angry, but its better now than never. In addition, use protection next time. If you don't want to, have s*x when you are having your period ( a  bit akward but im pretty sure its safe). In conlusion, I wish you luck and hope you do not get in trouble.

  16. if you are pregnant are you sure it was only 1 week ago because its kinda Early to be feeling these symptoms and if you are you just need to tell your parents calmly because know one will help you like them.. good luck

  17. Well, if you are pregnant, definatly tell your parents.  

  18. First off no matter what anybody tells you, you are no less of a person so don't think that if you are pregnant. Second, telling your mother will seem like cake once the baby comes (if you are pregnant). How long has it been since you had s*x you mostly are not able to tell unless it has been a few weeks. Telling your mother may not be hard as you think most parents are upset but they still want whats best for their child.  They are going to have your back no matter what so honesty is best when it comes to this issue. If you are pregnant you need to see a OB/GYN as soon as possible. I also want you to get tested for sexually transmitted disease because abdominal pain can be a sigh for many problems. Now that you have started to have s*x you should began getting yearly paps done.  Always remember god will never put more on your shoulders than you can bare so pay and keep your head up! And like I said before you are no less of a person because you are young and having s*x just stay safe. I hope this info works for you good luck.

  19. Okay wait? You only had s*x a week ago.

    I do believe thats way to soon to be experiancing symptoms of pregnancy.The part you said is getting darker,its to soon for that to happen.I think you might just be faking yourself out though.Wait till you a miss a period and then take a test.

  20. Sounds like you might be but you really need to calm down and just wait for your next period.

    If you get your period, then you're not pregnant.  But if you don't get it then you need to take a home pregnancy test or go to your doctor.

    What I would do, in regards to your mom, wait to see what the result of the test is.  If it came back negative then you don't have to worry. If you're going to tell her, only you know what kind of a relationship you guys have.

    She is most likely going to be upset, since you're her daughter, but she's still going to love you either way. I would tell her with your boyfriend that way she knows that he will be there for you as well.

  21. This is why children should not have s*x.

    Buy a pregnancy test or have him buy one for you and take it.

  22. I doubt you would have symptoms this early. If you had s*x a week ago you wouldn't even be able to tell you are pregnant. Sometimes it can take the sperm anywhere from 3-5 to reach the egg and implant.

    Try not to worry.

    If you do end up pregnant be sure to see a doc right away, and get yourself started on some prenatal vitamins.

    Good luck

  23. those are signs. i would suggest getting a pregnancy test. and try some teen pregnancy websites for help on how to tell your mom and what to do next after becoming pregnant

  24. well... okay i would see if you gain weight over the next one week.

    talk to your mom. just tell her that you love him.

    theres many choices.

    i have no idea what the systoms are for pregnancy so i am not saying that you are pregnant. but yes. just record your weight. relax.

    and good luck.

    also go to plan parent hood with a friend.

  25. Hi Honey,

    There is no way you would be have'n food craving this early. You need to go and get a home pregnancy test. if you don't want your mom to know go to a different location to do the test. Library restaurant etc...

    If you are positive tell you mom ASAP!!!! If you show negative don't get to happy your hormones might not be at a level that the test can read try again in another week or so.

    I hope this has taught you that you need to have safe s*x!!!! At 15 you shouldn't be doing grow up things if you can't handle the grown upresponsibilitiess that come with it.








  28. Well as a mother and a teen mother at one time, I can tell you that people would be more supportive than you think.  

    I do think you are kinda "wigging" out because most people don't even have symptoms until they miss their periods.  If you in fact turn out to be pregnant make sure to tell your parents, they are your best support group!  I kept thinking my dad was going to kill me and he turned out to be my best friend through the whole thing.  I remember crying on his shoulder numerous times during that time of my life.

    Also if you turn out NOT to be pregnant you need to be more careful and remember that you have A LOT of years to have babies and only a few years to get a high school education.  If I could go back and do it all over again, I would've got my college degree long before I thought about having babies...but I had babies, then got married, then went to would've been a lot easier the other way around.  

  29. It sounds like it is psychological. Symptoms do not occur that soon after having s*x. If you are indeed pregnant it takes 2-4 weeks before you would have symptoms of pregnancy. Also, your belly would not grow at one week past conception. Your body at this point would not be producing HCG, which is what causes the pregnancy symptoms. You need to wait and see if you miss your period and then take a test. You also need to stop stressing about this, stress can cause your period to be late, or for you to even skip your period.

  30. 1. wait.. you might start spotting.. so just wait


    3. i know how you feel about the judging thing.. im 14 and lost my virjinity [how ever you spell it] and i GOT JUDGED

    4. im sorry i know how you feel.. i had the same feeling after it happend cause just reasently i had to go in for something and he thought i had STD's...... I DONT THOUGH...  

  31. go to the doctor. once you find out your results and here's a tip for you GET ON SOME BIRTH CONTROL GIRL!  

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