
15 month old with a growth spurt..?

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first thing she is going to eat me out of house and home.. lol.. so i'm pretty sure its a growth spurt , but she seems to be rebelling ALOT more.. is that included in this growth spurt?? if so i want her to stop growing.. any one else have or had the same issues??




  1. rebelling is just what toddlers do lol. they are basically learning their limits with you. my son is 15 month old and everything i tell him not to do he does lol. reverse phsychology works great on them. he likes it when i get worked up so being calm is the best thing. my son eats a lot but he ahs a huge metabloism and has always been little.anything i give him he will eat. he climbs just about everything. i just tell him no adnd redirect him to something else to take his mind off it. occassionally i will find him doing whatever it is behind my back though:)

  2. LOL... no its not related to the growth spurt, I've been told that most kids go through this at this age...I asked a similar question about my son and his temper tantrums and rebellious ways...and I've been told that its quite normal and will probably run its course, just don't give into it, and understand that its normal and he (or she in your case) doesn't know why they are doing it.

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