
15 weeks.. Morning sickness still???

by Guest60674  |  earlier

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I am 15 weeks pregnant and I am still throwing up 2 - 4 times a day. My doctor has me in the office once a week hooked up to an IV of fluids. I am so worried about the stress my body is going through. I have asked my doctor about it and he has no idea what could be making me so sick.

I am very tired of not being able to work or eat or anything...

Any advise is welcome..

By the way I have tried Ginger ale / root, Vitamin b-6, a ton of prescription medication...




  1. Before you even get out of bed eat two saltine crackers.  Lay there for about 5min and then get up.  Only eat bland foods no spices or butter at all.  Eat only small amounts at a time.  Wait about half an hour and eat a little more.  Do the same thing when you drink.  Try taking only a sip or two Sprite at a time or just plain water.  Wait a little bit and then drink some more.   I hope this helps.  I went through the same thing with my first son.  Just hang in there and remember it is worth it.

  2. Hi. I feel your pain. I am 28 weeks and just finally got over the nausea and "morning"a.k.a all day sickness! I tried everything and nothing really worked except when I drank ALOT of water. It's already recommended that a pregnant woman drink atleast 8-10 cups of fluid a day. The other thing I did was eat small snacks/meals throughout the day. I hope you get better soon!!!

  3. Hang in there. When you think that it will never end it does end and you wont even expect it!  Follow the advice of your doctor and you have my prayers.  

  4. I took Nausene.  You get it at the pharmacy.  I didnt start having morning sickness with my son until 3 months along and it lasted until i was 7 months.  I couldn't keep anything down.  Not even water and i was losing weight.  He suggested Nausene and it worked for me.  good luck.  

  5. I had severe morning sickness my whole 2nd trimester until the begining of my third the only thing that helped me was plain saltine crackers and sprite , I tried pregy pops (sold at drug stores) but there was only 2 flavors I liked and didnt want to spend $3 for 2 lolipops they worked a little I might suggest you pick a box up and see how you like them ....I had to cut out all spicey food even juice becuase even now if I eat it Ill throw it up later and believe me it is not good coming back up ...just try to eat bland and not so heavy foods ....chicken noodle worked sometimes depending on how nice he was to me that day good luck and just try to drink as much water and sprite you can so your not hooked up too iv's every week for dyhydration Good Luck  

  6. agh I know how you feel hun. I threw up everyday till I was about 18 weeks. Just tough it out and you will have a beautiful baby. I know it sucks. I too was on IV's and the perscription zofran.

  7. You should get over it soon. Morning sickness begins around week 6 of pregnancy, peak during week 8 or 9 and wane after week 13. More instant remedies and info at http://usefulinfomorningsickness.blogspo...

  8. I had morning sickness until 19 weeks!! Nothing at all worked for me! They even tried changing prenatal vitamins, my diet ect. and nothing worked for me at all. On a positive not after 19weeks I only vomit here and there (very rarely now) knock on wood. I was lucky enough to not need any fluids but I also lost weight and was told I couldn't lose anymore. Just make sure your resting. I was taking Diclectin (which is one of the safest anti nausea during pregnancy), it might work for you!! Good luck and try and stay hydrated!! It should end soon enough. I'm now 28 weeks pregnant and feeling okay except for heart burn now!

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