I attend a public charter school in my state. Great school, smart teacher who don't work half butt. I have always been great at math. When i was in 3rd grade i was in 6th grade levels. when i was in 6th grade i started taking the high school level algebra, and if someone told me, i would have been in geometry and right now i would be in Pre-Calculus/Trig.
Especially since Geometry, i have looked at math in many new ways than i ever thought possible. I always take honors classes for mathematics. I am interested in science for secondary favor. I don't know what comes with having a want to see almost to the end of Math. My science teacher has her degree in Mathematics, as well as a lot of my math teachers. I just know something that isn't accounting that i could see career fit to be in with a successful degree in Mathematics. Oh and if you think i'm talking about high school, your in correct, i am talking about college too.
Oh and I'm taking 4 years of science at my school even if they say i only need 3 credits, same for math, i'll take Calculus for the 5th credit with 4 required.