
15 year old girl, dating an 18 year old guy.?

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I'm 15 and i'll be 16 in 5 months. I'm a junior in high school, so i've been with older people my whole life. I have strong opinions and I'm a level headed kid. I'm against drug use, and want to stay a virgin until marriage. A lot of guys have tried to change my mind, but i've stuck to my beliefs. Would it be wrong to date an 18 year old guy, who has already graduated? It would not be a sexual relationship at all, but is just dating illegal here in California?

Also, i'm close to my parents, and I want to break free of that. Not go out and do stupid stuff behind their backs, but actually hang out with my friends without them calling me very 20 minutes. I'll be on my own soon, at school in San Francisco in 2 short years, and that time could not come sooner. If I explain to them that I want to see this guy, but not be in a sexual relationship under any circumstances, they would not have it. Could somebody please help me with that?

thank you :)

sorry for the long question, ha.




  1. I was 16, dating a guy that was 19, same gap as you.

    It is not illegal to just date, the sexual relationship is illegal.

    Breaking away from your parents is not a bad thing, show them your responsible and deserve a little bit of independence, 2 years is a long time, from ages of 16-18 there is a ton of maturing, not to say you are not mature.  

    You need to show you are responsible and let them know you and this guy are in a relationship, let them know your views on remaining a virign til marriage.  Really its not their choice on who you date but it is nice to have their approval.  As long as it is not a sexual relationship, there is really nothing they can do to stop it.

  2. well you could go out with a guy your age that will be good because that is wrong. To go out with a older guy that is 18 so please take this so your life can be better.

  3. that is perfecty perfectly fine - nothing wrong with it.

    as long as you know.. he's decent lad and he's not only after one thing and all that jazz - which i'm sure you know.

    nothing wrong with it at all

    even if you did intend or think about having s*x i wouldn't see a problem with it at all really aslong as you wer 16 first.

    if it matters - i'm an 18 year old lad

  4. It's fine

    No s*x


  5. It's perfectly fine. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as your not having s*x cuz he could go to jail, i've always dated guys that were a lot older than me so 3 years isn't to bad

  6. well if you didn't do anything then they should

    there to uptight

    and don't have s*x cos he could go to jail even if it is consential

  7. People, who are out of school, will develop different needs and ideas from those in school.  Like earning a living, where to live, how to spend money, etc.  Dating relationships can also take a different turn from the "innocent" type high school dates to more looking for a long term relationship and a spouse.  Just be careful that you and he are on the same page, because hormones can run high and unexpected encounters to happen.

    As for breaking away from your parents, there is nothing wrong with being close to your parents.  You just have to develop a more mature relationship so they don't feel the need to call you every 20 minutes.

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