
15 year old girl 33st. Should she be sectioned for her own safety?

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"some people choose heroin. I've chosen food,it's killing me".

Her words not mine.




  1. She should be taken into care.

    Her mother has a weight problem too and she is obviously a terrible influence on the girl. It's so depressing she has been let to get to that state.  

  2. she is off to USA to some special camp so I wish her well  

  3. I don't actually. I feel deeply sad for her but where do you draw the line. There are many addictions crippling young people and we can't section them all for their own good and the Country quite simply doesn't have the funding to do it either. How do you decide who needs help more? An over-eater, smoker, binge drinker? they are all social problems. If they can't get help through their own desire to change and the love and support of family, I doubt being sectioned will make a difference, as the same insecurities that were there before will return... very sad but there are many lost souls in this world and it's the parents who should be helping them, not strangers...

  4. Her parents ought to be prosecuted for Child Neglect and Abuse.

    She should be given the proper treatment and help that all children are entitled to. She has mental issues & something in her life has caused that. Probably a combination of her parents abuse and bullies at school.

    Terrible. I feel terrible for this little girl. I hope social services intervene and QUICK.

  5. I feel sorry for that child, she obviously lacks confidence and self esteem!

    Sounds like a cry for help!

  6. let her enjoy her food.

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