I am 15 years old and last wednesday, whilst on holiday i had s*x for the first time. It was unprotected as we were in the pool and it lasted about 1 minute but then i realised and was like no we cant because it was unprotected. I then started to panic as i wasn't sure if he cumed or not. We then later on friday had protected s*x, and i bked afterwards, which i know is normal. However now i am worried that i am pregnant as i am due my period now but it hasnt happened, and me and my friend always come on around the same time and she came on on friday. I have also been having really bad discharge and i do not know why! please help me !
* 36 minutes ago
* - 1 week left to answer.
Additional Details
25 minutes ago
i am also not sure weather or not he put the condom on correctly does that matter?
and what could i do?
BTW this is not my account it is my cousins * x
There are no clinics were i live in England and i dont want to tell my mum until im sure thanks for all your answers X
The lad is from a totally different place it was a holiday romance and we will probz never see eachother again! :(