
15 year old male needs a workout plan for abs/legs/shoulder.?

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I weigh about 125 pounds, and I really need to work on my abs. I've got the arms and back down, but I really need help for those three things.




  1. find a horizontal back extension and do a combination exercise with 10 reps of back extension and then turn over and do 10 reps of stomach compression going from below horizontal and to just above horizontal and you will do this for three sets.  Your torso is free to work upwards and back down below horizontal without touching any mat or supports.  It is a tough exercise and you will find that if you do this at the beginning of your workout routine and again at the end you will grow them rapidly and they might even become sore.  At your age this will be pretty easy for you.  Increase the reps to 15 if it becomes easy at 10.  If it becomes easy put your arms stretched out behind you as you lift and lower your torso to add toughness.


  2. prollu make babbysssssssssss


  3. Push-ups are very good. But most people think of the simple ones, but there are many different types of push-ups that work different parts of your upper body. Wide, Regular, Diamond, Feet elevated, one-handed, all of these work different parts of the chest/arms. And you will find yourself using muscles you didn't even know you had. As for lower body, running is the Holy Grail of workouts. But for strength, lunges and squats work perfectly. Running will no doubt help you get a six pack, but that is not the only thing to focus on. Running mainly works the lower abs and burns the extra fat off your stomach. In order for a six pack to really show, you need your body fat % to be 11% or lower. STAY AWAY FROM HIGH FAT FOODS! Try running a mile a day, I do that much myself. But if you are doing it on an empty stomach, just make sure that you have a good meal right afterwards. Otherwise your body will burn your muscle instead of fat. You also must work your upper abs, which is pretty easy. I recommend just simple crunches, body crunches, reverse crunches, and something called the "bicycle crunch"

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