
15 year old p***s size i know your sick of this question ?

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ok I'm 15 years old and weight 215 pound and win my p***s is hard it is 5.14 inches long is that small or large it looks Small but on some websites it says average size is 3.5 plz help




  1. email me we way the same and i can anser your question easier considering im also 15...

  2. Average adult p***s size is 5.9 inches. And you still have some growing to do.

  3. I'm seventeen and five to five and one fourth so i'd say you're above average for your age, but average for the adult size.  At fifteen I think I was about four and three fourths.  Hope this helps!

  4. No offense and don't take this in a wrong way, but It might look small depending on weight.

    I've heard that if you are little on the larger side it might look smaller in comparison to the rest of your body.

    But we don't know how tall you are, so I couldn't say.

  5. Puberty ends between 16 and 21. Average length is 5.1 to 6.2 inches.

    You are normal.

  6. 215 pounds?


  7. My boyfriend is 14. He weighs like 140 and when his d**k is hard

    its 7.5 inches. When its not its like 4.  

  8. ten bucks the person who just talked about her boyfriend never actually measured him and he's probably like 4 inches hard...

  9. Don't worry. The average p***s size for a grown man is 5 inches.

    So right now you're average & you're 15 so you still have some growing to do.

    So don't worry about it. You're fine.

  10. Everybody grows differently. How about you not worry about how big you p***s is?

  11. the average size- 6 to 7 so you are close to average or will be over what is considered average; at your age, there is room for growth since you are still going through puberty. So don't rush and don't worry too much, size is dependent on genetics.  Try working on the weight if you want to be seen as stud.  best to you  

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