
15 yr-old boy with blood pressure of 135/65, pulse 68 weight 127lbs and 5'11"?

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Is he at risk for heart problems? Has always been very active. Wants to play soccer in the school team and states that after very strenuous exercise he feels stabbing mild pain in the heart area which goes away after resting for ~5min.

I'm concerned because I know a boy who died playing basketball at age 18.




  1. that blood pressure is a bit high for a boy of 15, I would strongly suggest a physical with complete blood work up.

  2. ummm. im not really a doctor so dont take me as your only resource, but i have a really high heart rate all the time and ive gone to cartioligists and they said it was fine. im only 14 so they all said it was fine but you might want to ask a doctor. also think if hes on any medications he may be on that might affect his bloodpressure/heart rate.

    good luck.[:

  3. As a current medical student, no he is fine. Make sure he takes Omega 3 Fish Oil two caplets per day.

    That's all.

  4. ask your doc get a medical done

  5. Sounds like it..borderline because when my pressure is like in the 130 area it is borderline hyper tension(which I do have).My Dr. says I have to loose weight & excersie plus I take BP medication for it.He is at risk for a stroke my Dr. says.

    But it is easily controled get to a good Dr. asap & ask what types of exercise he can do before starting, this isnt something to play around w/High Blood pressure is SERIOUS my best friend just died from it out of the blue in Jan. get it chkd out .No insurance get a clinic card.

  6. Meh, i'm 15 and mines has reached 151/86, yeah,  i know..i'm so fucked

  7. thats 5'11 and i weigh 177.5, a good blood pressure is something below 120/80

  8. thats not ok

  9. idk

  10. After such an effort the heart does not receive enough oxygen (the demand is higher then the actual gas volume which is received) and ischemia is installed. This condition does cause serious pain in the chest that usually goes all along the left arm to the last two fingers of the hand and also can radiate in the  left neck aria.

    To be sure everything is ok go with him at a specialist and do an EKG and maybe a Doppler cardiac ecography.

    And when he feels the pain just advice him to stay still for a while and not to continue with the running.

  11. Could be chest, wall, muscles, stabbing pains are not usually heart. If you're concerned, take him to the doctor and let him listen and do an EKG and some other tests that might be able to tell you if he's okay with his heart.  

  12. It's a tough problem. The elevated systolic pressure can be followed for a short period. Does he lift weights?  Systolic pressure elevations are seen in weight lifters.

    Although the most chest pain in adolescents is not related to heart problems, a few are. He needs to be checked out by a concerned physician, and possibly referred for a stress test and an echo to rule out things like a prolapsed mitral valve or hyperplastic left ventricle.

  13. hmmmm now that's weird.. maybe she's low blooded..

    i'm 25 and i reach 180/100 (yeah i'm gonna die sooner) but i do play sports and don't get strained or tired or dizzy.

    have you asked a doctor about the boy?

  14. he should try A HOLISTIC DR. before a regular one, dr. khalsa in the Pasadena CA area...

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