
1507 what happened history?

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1507 what happened history?




  1. * April - Martin Waldseemüller publishes his world map, naming the new continent America in honour of Amerigo Vespucci.

    * August 20 - Guru Nanak Dev becomes the first guru and leader of the Sikh religion.

    * King James IV grants a patent for the first printing press in Scotland to Walter Chapman and Andrew Myllar.

    * The King of England prosecutes the Lords for keeping a private army, which might threaten his régime.

    * Leonardo da Vinci completes the Mona Lisa.

    * Cardinal Cisneros is appointed major inquisitor of Castile.

    * The Portuguese occupy Mozambique and the islands of Socotra and Lamu.

    * Alfonso de Albuquerque becomes Viceroy of the Portuguese Empire in the East.

    * The Aztec New Fire ceremony is held for the last time (according to Bernardino de Sahagún).


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