
159 IQ on the for a 14 year old? How Accurate?

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Im 14 and i took the iq test on so im wondering A. how accurate can i expect this test to be, and B. i was tested when i was in elementary school and i got a 129, is it possible that my IQ leaped 30 points? all my friends call me smart but isnt a 159 a level up from genius? id be amazed if thats what i was (although i usually end up with over 100 percent in almost all my classes in school and i crush exams, and i blow through iq tests in minutes)

i applied for a mensa iq test to get a better accurate reading

if i score in the 99th percentile i can join mensa as a 14 year old which would be amazing and would look great on a college application

how do you think i would do on the mensa test

the lowest ive scored on an online iq test ever was 143 last yearand ive hit 148 156 154 etc

do you think ill be able to join mensa




  1. There are many IQ tests out there--probably too many to count.  Your best bet is to try the Mensa test and see if you qualify for Mensa.  What makes online IQ tests inaccurate are the fact that they may use unreliable data or data that isn't based on that exact test.  IQ scores and ranges are based on a large number of people who take the exact same test.  That's why you need to range in a certain percentile and not necessarily get a certain be considered a genius.  

    By the way, as you get older, your IQ will get higher as your education level goes up.  Most people have their highest IQ's in their late teens and early 20s.  IQ will then tend to drop because people usually do not keep their logic and reasoning skills up to date by doing things like puzzles or math problems or by learning new languages.  Having the desire to learn new things and keeping your mind sharp will keep your IQ score high as you get older.

  2. i q test dont prove how smart you are, they just prove how how much you can memorize. also online test are inaccurate  

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