
16 , heavy drinker. wont stop.?

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my sister was 16 in january.since then my mum seems to have gotten very slack on rules.

- my sister comes in drunk and doesn't get told off or punished.

- her curfew is 12pm at night and if its a party there is no curfew.

- she is allowed to stay at her boyfriends house whenever she wants.(who is 19 bdw and my mum knows he smokes weed and used to be involved with heavier drugs like sniff and pills)

- my mum buys her beer for her all the time , whenever my sister asks her to and sometimes my mum even pays for it!!

the main thing I'm worriedd about is that she is drinking a litre of vodka on a friday to her self and then she through the weeks she will just binge on cans of carling and stella or even cider. just to drink. just when she is in a house where there is beer.

our dad is an alcoholic anI'mim just worried about her getting dependent. my mum and daaren'tnt bothered but i am. what should i do ?i can see her on a downwards spiral.ive heard her say that she needs a drink and sometimes she has complained that she feels down and needs to get drunk. she got very first got drunk at the age of 11 anhasn'tnt really stopped but this is the most ive ever seen her drink.




  1. i think she needs to see a doctor and got to rehab!

    hope this helps good luck.

  2. since your parents arent going to intervene, you need to get a third party involved. maybe go to ur family doctor or ur public health nurse and ask them for advice. they would put u in touch with professionals who deal with this. since ur sis is a minor, there is a chance that social services could get involved. be prepared for this but dont feel bad. it is for her own good believe me. she will thank u in the future. i have a 16 yr old daughter who co incidentally got out of her mind drunk yesterday and got picked up by the cops. believe me, this is the first and last time she will be doing this. im coming down on her like a ton of bricks. all teenagers experiment with alcohol, i did it myself when i was younger, but they need to have obstacles put in their way to prevent it. sounds like ur sis has a problem though and needs help. have courage and do what needs to be done.,good luck.

  3. your mom is the kind of a parent that most teens wanted to have, very open and not protective and not strict. Your mom is the one who made that decision spoiling her kid to the max and the only thing you can do is be different from your sister as in your sister is a disaster to be honest.  Your mom is making a disaster through your sister as her medium and i bet she would end up a heavy drinker by the age of 20 unless she will change.. some says that they love thier kids but don't know the meaning of love..

  4. If you are in the UK, is the drinking age 16 there?  If you are in the US, the drinking age is 21 and you could report your mother for contributing to a minor as well as report your sister for underage drinking.  It's going to be pretty hard to make her stop if she doesn't want to AND you don't have the support of your parents.  Wish you luck!

  5. there are groups like alanon that you can ask for help but if she doesnt want help you are fighting a losing battle but check with one of the groups.  They are free and will know what you should do, GOOD LUCK.

  6. She can go to the Rehab and see a doc.. =D

  7. Stop her from drinking. Take her places where she cant drink, gradually cut her down. If you hear her mention that she needs a drink then suggest going to the pictures, bowling, out for a meal etc. Speak to her and tell her that your concerned tell her that you have no problem with he having a little drink maybe once or twice a week but this is getting beyond a joke.

  8. It sounds as though your sister is an alcoholic already.  It's unbelievable that your mother would ignore her problems, let her do anything she wants, and even buy her alcohol.  It seems as though you are the only one who cares what's happening to her.  I commend you for being such a good and supportive sister.

    She needs help, immediately.  She should be in a treatment program for teens. If you don't know of such programs in your community, ask your school counselor about it, or call a local social services agency.  Then talk to your sister about getting into one of them.  

    She will probably refuse. If that happens, talk to your parents and try to make them see the seriousness of your sister's situation.  It doesn't sound like you'll get much support though.  You could try enlisting the help of her boyfriend and his family.  You could contact social services and find out if they can issue a court order for her treatment.  You may need an adult to help with that.

    If you've tried all these and still can't get your sister to seek help (a possibility), at least get some for yourself.  Talk to a counselor about how you can make sure your life stays on track in spite of what's going on in your family.

    I'm so sorry for your situation.  Don't hesitate to get professional counseling so that you can overcome this and take care of yourself.

  9. Tell her the facts and what alcohol can do to her body. Most likely she won't listen, both my 16 year old and 14 year old drink, not particularly heavily but at parties they do. I've told them if they come home drunk they can crash anywhere. I just want to be a good mother, I don't see why mothers make their kids lives hard.

  10. omg im really sorry but i no y ur worried and u have good reason to be y dont u call the police she wont go to jail shell just be ordered to go to rehab!!

    and look do whatever u think is right dont take anyones advise unless u dont think its right

  11. I am assuming you are in England as your sister is drinking cider.  She is an alcoholic.  Sorry to be so blunt.  Your mother appears to be encouraging her.

    This is a difficult situation for you as you seem to be the only one that cares about the problem.  Have you tried talking to your mother?  Can you talk in confidence to a teacher?  If not, try ringing the Citizens' Advice Bureau (they are in the phone book).

    Well done for trying to do something about this.   hope everything goes OK for you.

  12. its sounds like she may be addicted if i was u i would talk to ur mum again and have a word with ur sister i no this must be hard 4 u especially if ur mum and brother are not taking it seriously perhaps there and other family member u could talk 2. if it was me i would  try and encourage ur sis to admit she has a problem and seek help get over her addiction. however she may not want ur help or think she has a problem so u will just have 2 wait untill she ready to admit that she has problem and wants ur help and u can't physicallyy force help to quit unless u force her into rehab or something but that would be up 2 ur mum just support her and try and get her to open up 2 u

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