
16 Year old Daughter is FREAKING out about school?

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My 16 year old daughter is starting 10th grade and for some reason she seems especially anxious. I know she is also nervous about her upcoming blackbelt test and has a lot of pressure but she has been dealing with this and used to this pressure for 8 years She is taking a heavy course load but I know she can hadle it. She said she was nervous about taking advanced math and during the summer she has been reviewing with a tutor and getting a jumpstart (my daughter is very bright and catches on quickly; she has no confidence) Thats the only thing I could get out of her about school. The thing is I am worried last night at midnight I found her sharpening pencils in her closset by hand with a box of bandaids next to her, when I asked why the bandaids she said it was because she had been sharpening pencils for over an hour and putting bandaids over her blisters. (she has blisters on all of her fingers on one hand). This is starting to get scary. School starts on the 18th how can I help my daughter if she won't talk to me. She is in contact with friends and have been hanging out nothing out of the ordinary there. There is no Major life changes going on. Please help!




  1. if you are serious and not a troll then this is enough to tell you that she is not coping. You say she is use to pressure and you know she can handle to course load but CLEARLY she can't. Make her pull back on her workload and ask IF she wants to go for her black belt. Your daughter is crying out for help and your saying she can cope with all the pressures on her. Sitting in a cupboard sharpening pencils for hours is what I would call a nervous breakdown

  2. HAHA!

  3. She will be ok once school starts. I'm going into 11th in a couple weeks and I still get nervous for new school years. She may just be nervous about new teachers or something. I wish your daughter luck for the new school year.

  4. well i just finished my sophmore year of high school from a really tough school...i had no study hall and 2 AP classes and one honors should reward her when she accomplishes her set goals and also good fair rewards...for example, my parents encouraged me to take the AP classes and said if i passes the test (scored a 3 or above) then they would pay for a trip to NYC for me...i worked hard and didnt pass the tests, but it was a good experience and i had an incentive to world...if you or your daughter has any other questions about sophmore year or anything else, please feel free to email me...

    also, she should try taking up yoga or pilates...its very good for you and it decreases stress!

  5. I was extremely scared about High School before I went as well.  Just tell her that you are there if she wants to talk about her concerns.  High School is different then any other time of life.  You have to fit in and be social while doing all of your courses to the best of your ability.  It isn't easy, but tell her it will be worth it.  I wish your daughter good luck, it truly is a hard time.

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