
16 Year old girl driving a mini van lol!?

by  |  earlier

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Rofl So I have my G1 but my dad doesnt trust me enough to drive his BMW so now I have to drive the mini van when i get my lisence.

So my question is....When you see a teen driver driving a mini van do you laugh lol?




  1. They did not lol at me when I was19 and driveing a fire truck!

  2. if that happens look out the window and say at least im not walking

  3. Nope, I just assume she's driving her parents car or something. Your dad is being smart btw. It's best that you learn on a car that is forgiving. Many BMWs want to go fast and if you cant hang with it then the car will kill you. Plus minivans are just SUVs that are low to the ground.

  4. nope. its so normal its not even funny.

    I just assume that they're driving their parents car.

  5. no...and u can pay no attention to them.

  6. Well it can't be England as you need to be 17,but if its a leyland mini-van,they are becoming a collectors item and retail around £5000 at the moment.Laugh,h**l no.

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