
16 and hoping to get pregnant soon?

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I've heard everyone say that in your teens the baby could end up not being as healthy as it could when you wait but is 16 a good age physically for a baby?




  1. 16 is fine. Women have been having babies at 16 for ages. It is true that the baby might have a low birth way but that i know of there are no greater risks.

    Good luck and think this through a baby is for life!

  2. No, at 16 your body is not fully developed. You are still going through changes that will affect you physically and mentally. I will never understand why young teenagers feel that they are ready for children. You really have no idea what you are in for. But at the end of the day, you are going to do what you want anyway...I just hope for the child's sake you are ready to deal with the consequences.  

  3. no i don't think you should have a baby at that age because my brother and girlfriend did and the baby come out with breath problems and finger together so please don't wait for a couple of years where the baby want be born the way she was and she only weighed 4 pounds

  4. No.  A 16 year old is not emotionally ready for the challenges of being a parent.  Having a child is very demanding - surpisingly so - and so time consuming.  You have to put up with having far less sleep than usual and free time becomes very limited and rather special.  I've noticed a bit difference between how well parents manage when comparing someone in their early twenties with a parent in their early thirties.  The experience of the older person makes life much easier on the whole.  The teenage years are too valuable to be limited by pregnacy.  You have an enormous amount to learn about life before getting trapped by parenthood.  Leave the joys of being a mum for later.  You won't regret the decision.

  5. No I think it is alot of stress that your body is not ready for.

    Plus at 16 how will you financially afford to raise a baby?

    how will you finish school?

  6. I think 16 is way too young to have a baby. I am 27 years old and I just had my first child. I knew it was going to be hard work, but I had no idea just how hard motherhood is. Don't get me wrong it is very rewarding , but it is also very challenging. Not to mention that babies are very expensive.... I hope that if you do decide to do this you have a good paying job and I hope your boyfriend does too. Afterall it's not r eally fair to bring a child into the world and not be able to support him/her. Being a mother is great, but when your ready for it. As far as being healthy I think it could be dangerous for you and the child both because you are just a baby yourself. You should wait until you are physically mature. Good luck to you.  

  7. Your 16 and Tryn to get pregnant y cnt u wait till you get outa high school or turn 19... You have your whole life ahead of you hun

  8. No, you should wait until you are 19 or older, when you are 16, your body is still growing, so you dont need to be having another body growing with you if you can help it, and you will miss out on fun that you should be having in high school.

  9. your freedom will change drastically

    you go to 24/7 care of a little one - who does not care if you sleep or not

    your body also changes from that sleek teenager to matronly mature

    and your education gets limited as you cannot concentrate

    25 is a lot better

  10. 16 is really young to be having a baby.  Babies are a HUGE responsibility.  Do you have a job to pay for the things a baby will need?  Are you finished with high school?  If not, do you want to drop out?  Getting a good paying job will be pretty difficult without at least a high school diploma.  Do you think your parents, your boyfriend & his family, your friends will be willing to help you raise a baby?  I didn't have my daughter until I was 27 and I found it very difficult to earn enough money (me and my husband) to pay for everything that our baby needed.  

    Please reconsider having a baby so young!  You need to enjoy being young yourself and not have the added pressure that a baby will bring.

  11. Yes it is true that if you wait to have a baby until your 40 the baby has higher risks of being retarded and having other problems, than if you were to have a child in you 20's. To have a child while you are 16 you are also keeping your body from fully developing. Female bodies are still developing at 16 plus you should still be in school and somewhere around 10th grade. Work towards graduating and then think of where you want your life to go.

    You sound like one of those girls from Maury "I want to have a baby at 16" Enjoy your childhood while you still have it. Don't be so quick to give it up to support another life. Which how are you going to support your child at 16 because most labor laws won't let you work over 30 hours because your a minor. I'm sure the $7 an hour will buy a lot of formula and diapers to last you a until the next week. Not to mention the gas you'll be putting in your car if you have one. Then what about child care, that you may have to pay for and don't forget about clothing the baby and yourself.

    Good luck if you think having a kid at 16 is a good idea.  

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