
16 month olds behavior problems, help!?

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My 16 month old son has already been diagnosed as "hyperactive" by the pediatrician (who also was mine when I was a kid). He punches adults in the nose, slaps the nursery caretaker in the face at church, screams in an obnoxious manner, and does not follow instructions to save his life. A few months ago he gave my mom a small black eye.

Due to some health problems I MUST take a nap during the day and this is very necessary. He does not nap but for 1 hour or so a day and loves to do his screaming and babbling when I am attempting to sleep (which makes no one able to).

I have tried lightly spanking him and popping his hands when he gets into things (we are a pro-spanking family) but he hits back, of course.

Are all kids this terrible and maniacal at this age?




  1. Parents are a child's most important teachers and look at what you have taught your child!   You have taught him that hitting is okay so naturally when you hit him he is going to hit you back.  So be prepared when he becomes a teen for a beating because that is what you have started.  Obviously you don't believe in disciplining your child, spanking is not discipline it is physical violence and that is what you are teaching him.  Discipline is teaching and guiding not hitting.  So of course your child is going to behave in this manner, this is how YOU have taught him to behave.

  2. sounds to me like he doesn't get enough sleep.  he needs at least 1 nap of 2-3 hours or 2 naps a day, plus 12 hours during the night. that is probably why he is jumping off the walls and aggressive

  3. I would suggest trying out a new doctor. Sound like you need to have him evaluated by another pediatrician since it is obvious this doctor isn't making headway with him. I know you must trust this doctor since he was your doctor also and that may be reason enough to step outside the rim and take a chance for your son's sake.

  4. sign up for super nanny on this link

    try to just walk in another room when we screams and when we punches grab his wrist not to hard and say do not punch  and start a time out seat and give him a hug when ever we behaves and sometimes a treat

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