
16...never had a boyfriend... ?

by Guest33818  |  earlier

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Every time I've told a guy I liked him I've been rejected...pretty bad too, it was only like twice, and it was a long time ago, but now I'm scared to tell some one I like them, tell my friends, or even to admit it to myself when I like someone, because I'm scared if they find out I'll get rejected again

I think some guys have liked me, but I always tell my self I'm imagining it, until they stop liking me...I know it sounds so stupid

I'm scared even to talk to flirt with guys that I think are cute unless I'm with a friend they might like, or they have a girlfriend because then I know they are taken and I don't have to worry about it

But lately lots of my friends have been getting boyfriends, and talking about dating and stuff and I've never even had a boyfriend.

I want to date and maybe even have a boyfriend in the not so distant future, but...I'm scared to flirt with guys I like, and I don't think I could ever tell a guy I like him, or if I think he likes me how do i know I'm not just imagining it (that's what happened one of the times, and the other time I was just flirting with this guy and he said I was super ugly and no one would ever like me, and stuff like that)

I'm not one of the prettiest girls at my school, but I don't think I'm super ugly, I have kind of fair skin, light brown / dark blond / redish brown hair that's kind of short (above shoulders) and crazy (like pic kind of lol), I'm pretty thin, I wear a size 0, and I'm about 5 4 and a half

I don't know, what do you think...

(I sound pathetic lol I'm not like anti social or anything, and I've had guy friends, and sometimes I've like them I just don't know how to tell them I'm interested, or if I even should. I don't like anyone right now, but I might meet some one I like, and I don't know what to do.)




  1. You sound very pretty but you have to build up a good realationship with a guy to have a true boyfriend or just ask a nerd a nerd will always say yes

  2. wow itsok get a boyfriend so u can find the right one

  3. Stop you do not sound pathetic! Some of us are late bloomers so don't worry about it! I didn't have my first girlfriend till I was like 20! and I had girls pursuing me left and right in h.s! And to be honest with you it was because I was looking for a girl like you! I am sure the right guy will come along one day so in the mean time just enjoy your life. Plus guys around your age start to develop feelings for women but usually have no clue how to ask them out so yeah those feelings you have usually go both ways!

    plus your in a nice spot to just get to know guys. see how they are. don't be too needy. If you like them throw them signs the way most girls my age do! lol.. but yeah be selective... everything will turn out fine

  4. don't worry i was 16 when i had my first girlfriend don't worry about it.

    help me if you can.

  5. i have the same prob im 16 and never had a boyfriend

    my guy and girl friends tell me im really pretty and they love my personality but no boy has ever turned up?

    its confussing and sometimes you think why me or why not me?

    but hopefuly we will get someone one day hey!

    good luck

  6. lol I'm sixteen female and I've never had one either, but its not because guys never looked at me. a lot flirted with me but I give them no satisfying reaction because I wanna finish school first and having a boyfriend can be very distracting. I know its hard. (all my friend talk about that too. some urge me to get one) but it will all be worth it later on when you're ready to get married.

  7. When the day comes it comes it is as simple as that , it is not because your not wanted or not liked, its just because the timing is off, your young and i had my first crush i believe like when i was 10 lol but you will like different boys they will come and go then finally someday someone will fall madly in love with you. I know that doesn't help right now but you have a whole life ahead of you and tons of boys in the future that will come your way. Goodluck :-p

  8. You are only 16 not 60. Why rush into getting seriously involve with someone. Finish high school first before you even think of being in a relationship. Boyfriend come and go, your education is your first priority now. Good luck!

  9. take ur time.  dont rush into things.  if yo like them just start by hanging out with them casually.  you should be able to get a better idea if they like you  

  10. Wow, you and I have sort of the same dilemma, but I'm 17 and I've never had a boyfriend. And it does feel like I imagine guys like me too. But my advice is to not worry about it that much. Instead of focusing on guys, focus on school, or hobbies, that's how I've been dealing with it so far. Hope I helped a little bit. And that was just mean that that one guy called you ugly.  But don't let it get to you.

  11. ask more guys out even if your a dork

  12. Give it some time, I know it sucks, because your 16, and all, but if you rush into it, you'll regret it, trust me i'm 14, and i've had 3, and I REGRET every single one, the right one will come along soon enough, and you will both be happy, I notice if you tend to rush it, it becomes drama, and you'll regret it. Just wait. The right guy will come along.

  13. Well if you never ask them u'll never know if they liked you just ask em and if they say no just move on :D and dont go crazy :O

  14. I understand where you are coming from.  Do you participate in after school activities or have a job?  If not what do you like?  If you meet guys with something in common you with you it will be easier.  It will happen just give it time.  When you meet the right guy you will not feel shy or fear being rejected.  Good luck.  

  15. I'm 19 never had a gf, never even kissed a girl, you think you've got

    Anyways your time will come, I'm quite shy myself and I lack the necessary social skills.....

    Well keep trying and don't lose hope !



  16. i have the same problem but im 14 =( i know alot of mean guys!!!! and after a while that rejection built up- now i realy like this one guy and i cant even talk to him! i know hes super nice so he wouldent regect me hard, but i KNOW he would reject me =(

  17. Well just be yourself and try to find out about the other persons interests and hobbies and things like that and then go from there...once you get past the awkward conversation phase and discover more about eachother it will be easier to talk to him and others'.

  18. You're 16, get over it.

  19. Don't worry about it, that right guy will come around. Your only 16. You have plenty of time to find a bf.

    I wish you the best of luck :]

    Answer Mine Please :]

  20. I'm almost 14 and I've never had a boyfriend. I really want one, too. It's tough when all your friends are getting boyfriends or had 1,000 boyfriends and you have 0. There is this boy I'm eyeing on at school but I'm scared that he likes someone else. I'm trying to make myself look different, like: my hair is naturally VERY curly so I straighten it everyday. I try to wear clothes that are not too baggy but not too tight because I do NOT have the legs for skinny jeans (even though I love them) and all. My advice to to try to do something different. If you have curly hair, straighten it. If your hair is straight, curl it or even pin it (or something). Go shopping and get some new clothes if you haven't already!

    I hope this helped! :-)

  21. I am 20 and never had a girlfriend so don't feel bad. Really, it could be worse, you will find someone you have so much time in life left. Plus high school relationships are immature anyways you are better off single in high school at least till senior year.

  22. number 1 thing: HAVE CONFINDENCE. that's very very important.  Learn to like things about yourself and learn to flaunt what you got and hide what you don't.  Secondly, it took me a very long time to get like this, but when I like a guy, I talk to them a lot and tell them I like them after like 3 weeks or so.  To me, what do you have to lose? They don't like you, okay. It's their loss. and move on. the longer u wait to tell them, the stronger your feelings become and the less likely you will tell them and if you do and get rejected, the more upset you will be.  i always say take the chance because i hate having to wonder, "what if"

  23. Going through the same thing too. You know it really doesn't matter about the past it is time to look toward the future. I think that if you like someone you should go for it. If you dont then youll never know if your cut out to go out with someone and I know your better then that. Trust me, ive been rejected all the time, but when i finally got over it then I finally got a boyfriend. Best wishes to you!!!!

  24. If you think a guy is interested, go all out and talk to him. And it's okay, i have a beautiful friend who never had a boyfriend until she was seventeen. She has self esteem problems. That's probably why too. If you act more confident, guys will think that's s**y.  

  25. finish school first, flirt and boyfriends later

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