
16 or 18? That is the Question

by Guest32112  |  earlier

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16 or 18? That is the Question
The ongoing dispute between the NFL and the NFL Players Association is showing signs that this could be a long feud extending into next March. Commissioner Roger Goodell recently stated that he’d like to see more tangible processes in talks, meaning he feels the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) are not moving negotiations.
Meanwhile, the NFLPA fought back by filing a complaint to the labor authorities. The union’s inquiring if the league built an unfair “lockout insurance” in its recent TV deal. The deal basically means if there is a lockout next year, owners would be paid, but not players. The league regarded the complaint as "simply a distraction [that does] nothing to get us any closer to a new CBA."
In spite of all these ongoing issues, an eighteen game schedule could solve some major problems for both sides. Both sides see some merit in the proposed 18 game schedule, which would mean a reduction in preseason games. The NFL season currently holds four preseason games and 16 regular season games, while the proposal would lead to two preseason games and 18 regular season games.
While fans are an afterthought in the CBA agreement, fans would benefit from a longer season. Season ticket holders are currently stuck paying the same price for two meaningless preseason games as they would for a meaningful regular season game.
It seems that a longer season would benefit everybody, but the proposal continues to hit the same brick wall. For instance, it could lead to more injuries, which is already an epidemic in the NFL.
It also would provide less time to develop young talent, quarterbacks in particular.
Lastly, the quality may suffer as teams will be more fatigued towards the end of the season.
The preseason seems very meaningless and has no affect on the season. It benefits the owners and TV stations more than anything with gate revenue and ratings.
Instead, a better idea may be incorporating a spring season, meant for developing young players and warming up the veterans to the upcoming season. This way the opening game of the regular season would truly mean the unveiling of a new season.
The hype and the anticipation for the regular season would increase and teams could still have training camp where players prepare for the real season.
Besides, how often do starters ever play in a preseason, maybe a quarter a game, max? Why can’t we just get right to the good stuff?
An 18 game regular season could work for players. One option is adding a second bye week if there are concerns about injuries and fatigue. The Canadian Football League does it and it works beautifully for them. Plus, the NFL has the game’s best athletes so would it really affect them so much?
As next March is only eight months away, the league and the players need to find a common ground to work around. It’s unlikely that the ongoing issues will end up in favor of one party completely, so the league and the players need to find a compromise?
Who would say no to more football? Would you honestly care more about a couple of meaningless preseason games or do you want to see the best of the best duke it out a couple more times in the fall?
A spring season would solve the problems of ticket revenues and TV ratings because young players can develop and veterans can slowly build on the idea of a new season looming.
Sometimes, the offseason just seems too long in the NFL doesn’t it? We don’t see football from February all the way until August and that just seems too long to not be watching football.



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