
16 pregnant? (easy 10 points)

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Hello im 16 and i really dont keep up with my period all i know is that my last period wasnt too long ago! End of july im guessing but anyways i have unprotected s*x with my boyfriend a lot! Im not on and BC and he doesnt pull out (retarded I know) but it took my mom 4 years to get pregnant (she had a car wreck they told her she couldnt have kids then she got pregnant so i thought i'd take me a while to get pregnant) anyways back to the question ive been cramping SO BAD! for the past three days like im about to start my period but its not due for about 2 weeks and i belive ive alread ovulated - because im not having any discharge like I was a few days ago. Do you think I may be pregnant? I heard you can get your period and still be pregnant is that true? Thanks




  1. Well, first let me say I have had two kids and with my second child who is 4 months I had vaginal bleeding the first six months so yes it is possible to bleed during pregnancy but it's not called a period. Having unprotected s*x and with him not pulling out there's a possibility that you could be pregnant or either about to have another period. Just because your stomach is hard doesn't mean a thing but the best way to find out is to get a pregnancy test. One thing my sister told me when I had my daughter which was five years ago was to squeeze my b*****s and i saw a little bit of a white bubble and i knew it was milk. I went and got a pregnancy test and I was pregnant.  

  2. The thing is you may not be purposely trying to conceive but you are definitely doing everything right to conceive. The cramping could be ovulation pains. It is possible to have a period while pregnant but not very common to. If your mother's conceiving problems stem from her car accident that has absolutely nothing to do with how long/if you can conceive.

    I would try and get into a Dr and get checked out if these symptoms continue or you can wait it out and see if your next period is late, if so then test.  

  3. Yes, you are probably pregnant.  It doesn't matter what your Mom's situation was, you're is different.  Having unprotected s*x will get you pregnant, whether or not you are trying to conceive.

    This isn't a game... you might be willing to s***w up your life and maybe your boyfriends... but what about the baby?

  4. yes u might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test so u will kno for sure good luck..

    my period is 3 days late

  5. Oh my God! You are too young!

    Ok, so, yeah, you could be pregnant!

    If your mother was told that because of the car accident she was not able to have kids then I guess you would need an accident as well right? Hello! Your Mom's infertility was due to a car accident not genetics so, what makes you think it would take you so long to get pregnant? I would wait one more week and then take a early pregnancy test! If you are pregnant, good luck! You are way too young but you already got yourself into this. If you are not pregnant; STOP HAVING UNPROTECTED s*x! Live your life but be safe and careful, dont have kids if you dont even know how to be one! Stop trying to grow up so fast!  

  6. CONGRATS mommy ur having a baby in 9 month!!

  7. one pregnancy symptoms and things like that are not genetic and if ur mom was told that bc of a car accident then why would u think that would be passed to u anyway, it wouldn't. if ur not trying to conceive then having unprotected s*x isn't a good idea. it can take years to get pregnant and sometimes not. and pulling out doesn't work any way so even if he was that wouldn't help either. any way i don't think that u are pregnant, wait to see if u miss ur period and take a test. and its funny ur not trying to conceive, yet u don't sound upset that u may be or that  it could happen, so to me it kinda does sound like u want this to happen.

  8. If your period isn't due for another 2 weeks it's not likely that you'd have signs or symptoms of pregnancy. If you're worried all you really can do is wait until you're supposed to get it and take a test. As for the hard/bloated stomach... that could be due to many things, like are you constipated or anything like that? Also if you're not trying to conceive I'd suggest getting on some birth control or at least having your honey pull out. Everybody is different when it comes to getting pregnant and it can even be different for one person from pregnancy to pregnancy. I'd hate for you to accidentally get pregnant when you don't want to.

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