
16 week old kittens and their shots?

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We got kittens and they don't have any of their shots. We enrolled them at petsmarts vet and they want to give them all of their shots that same day. We are taking them in tomorrow morning. My question is, is this harmful? They say the process will take 4 hours, is this normal?




  1. I have a  4month old kitten and when she got her shots it didn't take that long. In fact Her Vet didn't do all the shots in the same day he scheduled them apart. I would get a second consultation with another private vet to make sure.

  2. I think the vets a petsmart know what they are doing. 4 hrs seems a long time, but maybe they take a break between shots. How many cats are there?

  3. The shots are vital to your kittens health, not harmful.  It is fine to get them all done at the same time, most vets administer 1 vaccination with a combination of everything the kitten needs and 1 rabies shot.  Make sure you have them wormed as well.

    The 4 hours seems like a long time and will add a little more stress on them, especially since the actual shots take about 2 minutes at most.  I am not sure if I would bring my pets to the Petsmart vets...just a personal opinion.  Maybe call a local vet in your area and compare vaccination costs - an office visit with a local vet will be much shorter and probably a better experience.

    Please read the links in my sources for more information on your kitten's first year and first trip to the vet - and good luck!

  4. 4 hours? for shots?

    takes my vet 4 seconds a shot. 6 ,if kitty bites him.

    i have had sick cats examined and treated in less then 4 hours.

    i would at least call another vet and ask how long they take, or have pet smart explain why 4 hours.

    to answer your other question, yes, they can get all at once. vet decides when to give what.

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