
16 weeks and feeling weird?

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This is my first pregnancy and i don't know if I'm feeling the baby move or not but its a weird down in my lower abdomen, i only feel it like once a day or every other day. It feels like a little pain but it don't hurt me i feel it over on one side or its in the middle. could it be the baby? thanks




  1. It could definitely be the baby! I am in my second pregnancy and during the ultrasound at 16 weeks the dr. was looking at the screen and holding the doppler on my stomach, and the dr. jumped and said, "did you feel that?" I said that I had been feeling it for the past 2 weeks. It all depends on the person. With my daughter I felt the first little 'flutters' at around 16 weeks, and I am also very thin, so if it feels like something you have never felt before, then chances are that it is definitely the baby!

  2. Its not the baby, its ligement pain which is completley normal

  3. Im 16 weeks to, i am also feeling the baby move a little bit its not a pain though, more like poking or waves... i think its the baby!!

  4. When i was 16 weeks it was more like a fluttery pain.  However you could be feeling your uterus stretching to accomadate the baby it's pretty normal

  5. Does it hurt when the baby moves? Yeah, sometimes those sharp elbows scraping across the stomach are sharp. But you shouldn't be feelin any pain. I am 19 weeks tommorow and my baby has been movin ever since i was 14 weeks. Ok the occasional kick or sharp elbow, now that i'm thinking about it, ur uterus is still streching so you could be feelin that too. I still do. I get those stop in ur track kinda cramps for a few seconds. So get use to it because it will be a while before it stops. Good Luck!!!!!

  6. I am 16 weeks and i feel th every same thing . I thought it was the baby. But my doctor says no. I do feel the baby kick and it is a very light poke sort of feeling. ( for me anyway) I think you are fine. I am experiencing the same thing and I have a healthy baby growing... You are totally fine!!!

  7. The first couple times you feel the baby moving it will feel like a quick flutter. and then that's it so you may start to wonder is that it so if you want you can stay real still to see if you feel it again. I believe i was 17 weeks pregnant when i felt the first movement but it definitely shouldn't feel like a pain b/c the baby is far to small to hurt you yet that comes like the last 10 weeks or so.  

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