
16 year old daughter problem.?

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Ok, I have a 16 year old daughter and she does'nt listen to me or nothing at all. She has s*x with her bf a lot and i know that for a fact, she told me to get me even more mad. I even told her that I will kick her out of the house if it does'nt stop and that does'nt even help.What can I do?




  1. you should have been able to prevent your daughter from having s*x at such a young age. she is really s******g up her life and your partly responsible. You need to be more aggressive as a parent. dont be inferior to her and let her control you. if i were you i would threaten to send her to an all girld boarding school or something, you really need to moniter where she is better.

  2. be a creep about it. ask if she wants to do a threeway with you and her bf. she'll be too shocked to be mad, and you'll get a good laugh after.

  3. Don't threaten to kick her out. I dobt she would take you seriously. Why don't you try just talking it out. I know it sounds corny, but it's what I'd perfer, and I'm 18.

  4. well at 16 they can be on their own.If you threaten and not do anything about it then she will never listen to you. Tough Love.When my daughter left home of course I worried and many sleepless nights. I told her she had to leave and make her mark in the world. At first she would call and tell me how I screwed up her life.I would hang up on her and she soon figured out that if she wanted to talk with me that I would only listen if she was nice on the phone.I did always tell her my door is always open(if hungry for food if tired a quiet place to collect herself BUT she cannot come back to live until you can be respected in your own home.Now my daughter is 24 and my best friend I can count on her for anything  GOOD LUCK My kids are now gone and some days I wish that I still had a Little beast to drive me crazy from time to time.

  5. i would say you treat her like she treating u . . dont listne to her when she wants something. . . . if that doesnt work CALL the POLICE on daughter and if that doesn't work then its called tough love you kick her OUT or DISipline her. .  . (THE BELT)

  6. Kick her out.

    The worst thing a parent can do... is to make a threat and not follow though on it... at that point your credibility is SHOT.

  7. It sounds like you need to talk to her calmly.

    It sound like you are basically fighting about her sexual activity instead of talking about it.

    Threatening to kick her out isnt going to help anything.

    Try having a heart to heart or maybe going to see a counselor.

  8. If she wants to act like an adult , treat her like an adult .. Give her nothing ... And take everything that you have given to her away .. Send her for counseling ..

  9. I remembered what dad said, "If you have a boyfriend while still going to school, I'll shoot his p***s with my pistol, or better yet, my shotgun!". I suggest not doing that. Just call the police. It's illegal do have s*x at that age.

  10. she's probably confused- being that age is definitely confusing and sometimes being an adult can make u forget what it was once like. she may have told u just to spite u, but chances are that she wanted to confide in u, but didn't think that u cared or something.

    kicking her out isn't the best thing to do, or even threaten to do. b/c if u don't then u'll lose credibility and if u do (like what happened to me) she will end up resenting u and pity you for not being strong or capable enough to parent her. like u just gave up.

    i suggest setting realistic boundaries, and compromising. being an authoritarian parent that makes rules and wants to be viwed as the "boss" of the house is usually angry and ultimately won't get his/her way. being a push-over and letting her make up the rules won't be any better, but she is growing into young adulthood. w/in 2 years she will be off at college or atleast soon-to-be out of your hair, so savor this time by instilling in her the opportunity to make some decisions for herself w/ GUIDANCE from u.

  11. don't kick her out. I'll tell you from experience she is just doing it because you told her not to. also maybe she wants you to go kick her out so she can go stay with her boyfriend. I think the best thing you can do is take her to a gynecologist or the health department so she can get a std check and get put on birth control. you could also buy her condoms. good luck.

  12. Yeah - you need to use TOUGH LOVE and NOW.   Call your local sheriff's office and see about any types of programs for teens that are unruly -- and put her there.

  13. Threats don't work (especially if you don't follow through).  It sounds like you've discovered this already.  What consequences are you willing to apply if the behavior doesn't stop?  Ask her for rent if she wants to treat your house like an apartment instead of like it's your home where you make the rules?  No paying for anything other than absolute necessities (like food)?  No privileges?  Or are you indeed willing to kick her out?  (Keep in mind, she's heard this before and doesn't expect it to be for real.)

  14. actually kick her out and see how much she likes it then

  15. 16 is old enough for s*x in many states just as long as the boyfriend isnt like 30.  I say, let her do what she wants, get it out of her system, and dont get mad at the things she does, cuz you know what, thats whats she is looking for, attention.  You can lock her up and throw away the key but shes still gonna find her way out and do what she wants.

  16. I am 20 years old I have a 8 month old baby and had a 16month who died this past year. I went through the same thing with my mom but I was the daughter and no matter what you do the more you tell her not to do something she will go and do it. trust me i know i did the same thing the only thing you can do is how to protect herself from getting pregnant. No I am not taking up for her I am just trying to give you advice so you dont push her away I dont want any teenagers to go through the pain that I have went through.

  17. u sound scallyfied!

  18. is her bf the same age or  older than her. she is just doing this to get attention.

  19. Report him if he is 18 or older, its statutory rape.

  20. take everything away from her (cell phone, tv, computer) until she realizes that she has to trust you and listen to you if she wants to live in your house

  21. Call the cops.

  22. don't do anything , don't do anything nothing for her nothing for her, no food prep, nothing nothing is that enough for you.

  23. try sending her to boot camp . they will straighten her *** out..

  24. put her on some bc..  hormones are way stronger than your threats

  25. How could you kick your own daughter out? It must be pretty bad. Why don't you ask someone else in the family that's close to her to talk to her. Or you could try a belt.

  26. just try for a week letting her do what she wants she will see that you gave up on her and she will stop trying to make you mad

  27. remind her u love but u want the best for her and remind her how embarassing it will be 4 her to get pregnant and have her all her friends see and tell her how much it would mess up her life about how hard it would to provide for it and work and not even knowing if the father will be there since they are only 16

  28. She's 16! Why are you trying to restrict her from those things? She feels like you are bossing her around too much. Let her do what she wants and ignore everything.

  29. first all all if u tell her ur gonna kick her out,  that's telling her you can't control her and she can do whatever she wants.  (TEENS ARE LIKE THAT) If you don't take control of the situation she is gonna get pregnet and move out before she is 18 and i don't think u really want it to happen

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