
16 year old fish food?

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I just set up a 55 gallon cichlid aquarium, and in my basement, I found an almost half full huge bottle of cichlid food. The only thing is its from 1992. It doesn't have an expiration date. Can I feed it to my fish, or is it bad.

its probably bad isn't it?




  1. i wouldnt chance it... better spend 10$ on new food than have 100$ worth of fish DIE =]

  2. LOL its pretty funny

    well you could feed them and see if they die like a science experiment

    but you could just spend 5 bucks on new fish food

  3. throw it out as far as feeding it to fish but it has a use if you want to do a fishless cycle put it into a nylon bag and sink it to the bottom of the tank it will produce the ammonia you need to cycle the tank and by putting it in the nylon it wont mess up the tanks gravel then just put a pinch of the food in the tank for the gravel once the ammonia and nitrite levels drop to 0 you will be able to add fish do not do this with fish in the tank as the ammonia level will get so high it will kill the fish. this beats throwing it out and puts it to a safe use

  4. buy some new food.i wouldn't do it because that could make your fish sick.

  5. I think u should throw it out and get some new food for the fish. i don't know if it will hurt them but to be on the safe side just go ahead and get some new food.

  6. It's expired, even if it doesn't state it. There are no preservatives that can preserve any pet food for 16 years. Get some new fish food, your fish will thank you!

  7. To be safe, go ahead and buy some new fish food.

  8. There is nothing wrong with it, but over time the minerals and vitamins start to deplete. So there is nothing wrong with it, but it has no vitamins or minerals.

  9. Take the lid off and have a sniff.. I bet it's off. !!!

    I found 1/2 a jar of old fish food that I'd had in the shed for a few years - lets just say it wasn't fish food any more!!!

    It will keep quite a while if the package isn't opened, but once you break the seal the moisture and oxygen can get at it.

    Buy some fresh stuff.


  10. If it doesn't contain mold or other substance it probably wont kill your fish but after the expiration( there is an expiration, you have to call the company with the lot number and they will tell you, fish food usually only lasts 2-3 years) the nutrients break down leaving little if any nutrition. So it's like feeding your fish cardboard.

    Go buy some new fish food.

  11. ....look at the list of ingredients.....there are probably many things cichlids need from the food that 16 year old food may be remiss of at this point, or worse, it might give the fish tummy aches

    ....if the food is flakes? may try a small pinch or two, and then wait a day to see who acts wierd or sick
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