
16 year old girl going to PARIS without her parents knowing?

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I have a friend who lives in London and is taking the train to Paris to spend the whole weekend by herself there and her parents don't even know! They told her she couldnt go but she's still going. Alone!!!! They think she's spending the whole weekend at her cousins house and her cousin is gonna cover for her.


1 is a 16 year old even allowed to travel to another country without their parent or with a note or letter or something?

2 If your daughter did this what would you do???

3 Do you think she is going to be ok? She's been everywhere and she speaks french and she says she'll be fine but idk

4 Do you think she'll get caught?

5 How do I get her not to do it? I'm scared for her.




  1. your probably scared of her falling out with you if you say anything to anyone about it, but you have to show her how much you do care by telling someone like yours or her parents. If anything happened to her when she was in Paris you would probably start to blame your self for not saying anything sooner. Let someone know you be her hero x

  2. Your friend is pretty stupid.  If she is really a good friend and you care, tell her parents.

  3. First of all, a 16 yr old may well get caught if the authorities check her passport when she tries to board the type of transportation she is going to use to get there and more than likely, they will call her parents.

    I have never been outside of the US, but if I were her, I would think twice about not telling anyone or keeping in touch with someone because there are alot of crazy people in this world and if something should happen to her, how is anyone going to know where to start to look for her (other than by your telling someone or the police, when they question everyone she knows to gain possible leads to find her, and if something DOES end up happening to her, you will always have to live with the guilt of not allowing it to happen.)

    If you are really worried about her safety, BE A TRUE FRIEND and tell a trusted adult who could quietly whisper her little plan into her parents' ears and while this girl and/or her cousin might be mad at you for awhile, at least you can know that you tried to stop her.  Let your gut instinct be your guide to doing the right thing by telling someone (even if it is your mom, just in the passing...'Oh, by the way, Mom, I have a classmate that is sneaking off to Paris for the weekend and her parents don't know...what would you do to me if I did that and you caught me or found out about it?' (but be sure to make it sound like it was in a joking way and assure her that you wouldn't do that and if she asks who it is, tell her).

    By the way, if she were my daughter and I found out, I would keep close tabs on her and take away any and all means she might have to get to where she was planning to sneak away to and make sure I knew where her every nickel and dime was being spent.

  4. 1. Yes, but only if he/she is emancipated and the laws of where shes going considers 16 an adult.

    2. I don't have a daughter.

    3. Yes, but only if she doesn't drink/smoke.

    4. Yes, easily.

    5. I'm sorry, you can't change a persons mind.

  5. well if you are scared for her tell her parents sure she will be pissed off at you but in time she will forgive you. she must be super naive thinking that a 16 yr old GIRL will be perfectly fine alone in a strange place not the smartest thing to do. many things could happen to her she could get raped kidnapped mugged killed etc. maybe tell her those things to get her to not go. i mean its simple to get kidnapped or raped when your alone and it doesn't matter if she has some kind of defense cuz the other person can and will  most likely use it against her.

  6. Talk to your parents & maybe they can tell her parents.  

  7. 1 & 4 are related, if she is questioned she may very well get in trouble.  16 is a tough age, you're not a child anymore, but you're not mature enough to be an adult.  It sounds like she's seeking independence but this is NOT the way to do it.  

          May I suggest you say something to your parents and have them contact her parents?  You're scared for her and you have every right to be.  Bless your heart for seeking help.

  8. 1.I think so.

    2.Ooohhh, she would be grounded and not allowed out for a while.

    3.Probably as long as she stays out of trouble.


    5.Ask her what she'll do if her parents call her cousin to check up and they want to talk to her. I know the cousin could say she's in the shower or something but they'll get suspicious if everytime they call she is somehow never there. And if she uses a cell phone it could go vice versa if they wanna talk to the cousin. Tell her that.

  9. 1 I don't know the laws out there but it would make sense that she couldn't go without her parents or an adult with her

    2 Really depends on my daughter at that age, and I'd most likely let her go with friends.

    3 I think she's stupid and immature for going alone, yes she might speak the language but that doesn't mean she can't get hurt or attacked, and from what I heard about the boys there, shes going to get harassed (I know someone who lives there)

    4 Lets hope so before she goes!

    5 As much as I hate to say it, tell her parents whats going on. What if she goes missing? I bet you anything her cousin will feel awful.

    Before telling them you can talk to her or her cousin and tell her it is NOT smart to go.

  10. The answers to your questions.

    1. Yes - a 16 year old can travel alone without a parent. It's especially easy in the EU.

    2. If my daughter did this I would ground her for a very, very long time.

    3. I have no idea if she'll be okay. Probably - but where is she staying? People in Paris do speak English in case her French isn't great.

    4. I have no idea if she'll get caught. Probably. Won't her mother speak to her cousin or her cousin's parents at some point?

    5. Tell her you care about her and ask her not to go.  

  11. yeah, that's pretty stupid.  I can only assume this is for a guy.  otherwise, there is no reason to go alone.  plenty of things could happen to her in a foreign country, and no one would ever find her, because no one knew where she went.

  12. heres my answers

    1. yes as long as she has a passport

    2. well lets just say my daughter wouldnt be in such a hurry to do it again!

    3.theres a lot of wierd people out there who would take advantage she may think shes worldly wise but my guess is she isnt

    4. she prob will if shes not telling her parents they'll know shes not at her cousins and report her missing

    5 tell her parents she may not thank you for it now but she will when shes older esp when she realizes your just lookin out 4 her and her parents will thank you 2!

  13. In some countries it IS legal... but idk, here in my country, it is. But commonly, there should be the PARENTAL CONSENT. Well, I'm only 17 and I don't have a daughter. But I know how my parents would definitely feel: frustrated, angry and worried. Even if she says she's going to be okay, there's still the risk because she's underage and is going there alone. Yes, I do think she'll get caught, even if she was really careful. Trust me, I always think of fool-proof plans to outwit my parents but they discover sooner or later. to get her not to do it, convince her of the hazards that may occur while she' s gone. or how you and her parents would feel. Ask her if her purpose of going to PAris is really worth the risk. If it seems superficial then state your point why she shouldn't go there...Unsupervised at least. :)

  14. If your friend does this, she should get her butt spanked until she cant sit on a train for a month!!!!!

    You should rat her out and suggest what I did. You guys use a cane in England, right?

  15. 1 yes she can in the UK

    2 i would be pretty mad

    3 she is a 16 y/o girl in a forgin city , even if she speaks frech she is still in a great deal of danger.

    4 probably if her parents wonder where she is for 2/3 days

    5 i have no idea

    this is what really pisses me off about teens is they just think there so f*ckin invincible when it comes to travelling . living in england i get kids get luled into a false sense of security but the rest of europe is a very dangerous place for a young girl !!! but she wont listen , it will take her gettin raped and murderd for her to relise that she is not a grown woman , and i wouldnt recomed a grown woman going on her own unless she knew what she was doing and she has told people. what she doesnt relise is that there are men who wait around train stations and airports for girls like her , they look for a white young girls,  carrying british or european passports which they can take and sell on the black market for up to 20K . Now i know this because i used to travel back and forth from amsterdam and other european cities as a child and today too , but i was very firmly educated by my parents about the dangers and how very very valuble a passport is.

    Now going to visit your cousin is fair enough but for her own protection her parents would need to know when she is going when she is returning who is meeting her at the other end , make sure to drop her off , have a contact number , make sure she has a reliable adult , how old is her cousin ? do her parents trust him/her?

    she doesnt know the very seriouse danger she is putting herself in and it will take somthing very bad to happen for her to relise that , if she ever gets the chance to relise it.

    international travel is never somthing to be taken lightly no matter how well she thinks she knows paris or the train system.

    what would i do? go over her head an tell her parents anomisly - you could save her life.  

  16. just let her know how you feel about it and ask her to chill with you for the weekend

  17. 1. Yes.

    2. And if I had a daughter and she did that she'd be grounded for probably like, a year or something. Going to ANOTHER COUNTRY? No tv. Computer. Cell Phone. Magazines. Going Out.  

    It would take a really long time for me to earn her trust back after sneaking out to a whole 'nother country.

    3. And it doesn't matter if she's been everywhere and she speaks french. What she will look like to some perv or kidnapper is somebody who will be easy to take advantage of. It's not like I can guarantee something bad will happen to her but look, she's SIXTEEN. and she's going to be alone. in a foreign (sp?) country. There's probably a bigger chance she's going to get lost or something and have nobody to help her than that not happening.

    4. And yeah, somehow she's going to get caught. What if her parents call her cousin's house to thank them for letting her stay over? Or they see a train ticket? Or her new bag? Or a souvinier?  I say there's an 90% chance she'll get caught. I mean, people get caught sneaking out of the house just to go to a party, and she thinks she can get away with going to a different country?

    5. Well, I know you won't want to do this, but really, the only way that you can stop her from going is to tell her parents. She'll be really mad at you, but think of what could happen to a sixteen year old girl, alone in another country. Lotsa bad things.

    So, I hope your friend doesn't go.

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