
16 year old- private pilots license ?

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What is the cheapest and easiest way for me to earn my private pilots license? I am about to turn 16. I am living in Maryland towards the Bethesda area. Please help.




  1. Though it may not seem like it, there are tons of ways to save time and just have to look for opportunities. I would seriously suggest that you look into getting a "Sport Pilot Certificate" I am 17 years old and that is what I have. Basically it allows you to fly one passenger, during the day, in a plane with a max gross weight on 1320lbs and doesn't exceed 120 knots in straight and level flight. This is going to be one of the cheaper ways to get into flying. With a private certificate you can expect to pay anywhere from $ least. Sport pilots pay between $2500-4000. After everything was said and done I payed about $3200. The BEST thing about it, is that all the log hours you build in a light sport aircraft, you can put towards the required 40 hour minimum private certificate. Now if you don't mind alittle commitment and service you can join the United States Civil Air Patrol. We have a GREAT cadet program and for those cadets under 18, you can get quality training for the price of fuel and alittle for the plane itself. No instructor costs! The way I just described is how I did it and is probably the fastest/cheapest way to get into the air. Good luck with your decision. And if you need any more info on anything, feel free to E-mail me.

  2. Go out to Gaithersburg airport, and inquire about flight instruction.  Buy the FAA study materials,and a local sectional chart.  Begin studying.  Pass the written examination.  Fly 10 lessons per week if you can afford to.

  3. The FAA says you cannot have a ppl until the age of 17 however you can still do your solo at the age of 16

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