
16 year old with 20/30 vision... do i need glasses?

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and one eye is slightly more higher than the other(as in the eye itself)




  1. yes you definitely need glasses

  2. My left eye was at 20/40 when I was sixteen and I did not correct it on a regular basis until several years later when it was at 20/50.  I had eyeglasses that I rarely wore when I was sixteen because I hated them and had some nasty side effects wearing them.  Eyeglasses would help your distance vision, but I would not say that are a need at this point.  You can legally drive in most states with 20/30 vision.

    Your vision is close to normal.  It is up to you whether or not you want to correct it at this point.  If you do, then get the glasses.  If you do not, then do not get them.

  3. Absolutely need, no.  But they are likely to be useful for at least occasional use, depending on your shool, sport and hobby interests.

    If you like watching live sports, or flying radio-control aircraft they'll make a big difference.

    20/30 ==> 20/15 (possibly)  Twice as sharp.

    Playing most sports they wouldn't matter... Except perhaps for golf.

    If it's a shortsighted Rx it's unlikely to matter for the computer, unless it's mainly astigmatic myopia.

    If (less likely) it's a longsighted Rx giving you 20/30 in the *distance*, it's likely to make reading and computer work a lot less tiring.

    But none of this is "need", only "could be useful."

  4. yes you are, when i was in grade four, i had 20/25 vision, and  my doctor asked me to use eyeglasses

  5. I just read Pedestal's response to the poster with 20/30 vision who asked if they need glasses.

    Pedestal you said - 'But none of this is "need", only "could be useful."

    My question is - at what level does it become 'need' rather than 'useful'?

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