
16 year old with 20/30 vision... do i need glasses?***?

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16 year old with 20/30 vision... do i need glasses?***?




  1. yes go see your eye doctor

  2. "Need" is exactly the wrong word!

    Depending on the Rx, and your activities, you may find them very "useful" but you're unlikely to want to wear them all the time.

    You like watching live sports, or flying radio-control aircraft...?

    They'll make a big difference.

    Playing most sports they wouldn't matter... Except perhaps for golf!

    If it's a shortsighted Rx it's unlikely to matter for the computer, unless it's mainly astigmatic myopia.

    If (less likely) it's a longsighted Rx giving you 20/30 in the *distance*, it's likely to make reading and computer work a lot less tiring.

    But none of this is "need", only "might be useful."

  3. 20/30 is borderline, if your vision becomes worse you will need glasses, contacts, corrective surgery, or whatever, at 20/30 its up to you but your vision isn't what it could be

  4. You would experience a slight improvement with glasses, but I would not say it is a need at this point.  I was at 20/40 in my left eye and 20/20 in my right eye when I was 15.  I was prescribed glasses but hated wearing them so I didn't.  I did not start wearing glasses regularly until my left eye reached 20/50 several years later.  My right eye is still 20/20 though.

  5. It depends on what is causing the reduced acuity and whether you are finding it hard to see the things you need to see.

    If you are having trouble seeing, and glasses would improve your vision, then yes.

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