
16 year old wondering who "Smears" more? Republicans or Democrats!?

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Got you! Hahaha no I'm not that stupid! Of course I know the Republicans are kings of that c**p! Early April Fools joke for yall!




  1. Smear is a relative term.

    I happen to agree with you that the republicans do smear more, but that's the equivalent of saying "sure, that one guy punched me in the face 1000 times and stole my wallet but that other guy punched me in the face 1001 times and stole my wallet and my watch, so he's obviously much worse."

  2. Democrats.  Obama was smeared by Hillary Clinton's supporters during the primaries, not the Republicans and they continue to spread vicious rumours about him to this day.

    Now that McCain has his VP pick, the Obama fans who were so against the negative politics of the Hillary Clinton camp are now using the same dirty tricks against Sarah Palin's family.  I guess they are the real hypocrites here.

    The Republicans, on the other hand, haven't been smearing anyone.  I don't know where you get the idea that they are "kings of this c**p", not when your own party has been proven by far to to be the most racist and sexist of all.

  3. they are also good at preying upon the hard-working decent nature of our citizens as they sell a fake war and loot an pillage the nation clean to the was never about democracy..its about fooling you into war so they can rake in billions!!

  4. Republicans, hands down!

  5. Republicans will say Democrats, Democrats will say Republicans and independent swing voters like me will say they both do WAY too much of it - and way back when McCain and Obama were running in the primaries, they both promised to run a more civil campaign, respectful of their opponent.

    Neither has kept their word.

  6. Republicans are meaner and nastier.  And they personalize things more.  In my opinion.  

  7. "Smear" is a word from the McCarthy era... used usually by Democrats to demonize anyone who calls them out for the hypocrites they are.

  8. Republicans of course.  They are really good at negative ads making the Democrats looks like Stalinists and tax collectors who are hungry for more.  Not to mention that the Democrats are the "party of terrorist sympathizers" and want to lose in Iraq!

  9. just to correct slaol121, mccarthy was a conservative nut job that called everyone a communist and tried to get them locked up if they didn't agree with him.

  10. Republicans smear more because they have nothing else to promote.  

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