
16 yeard old Teen underweight.?

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Hey guys, I am a 16 year old and I am 6 feet tall at about 125-126 pounds and I am too d**n skinny. I turned 16 like 2 months ago, and I dont do sports anymore which was the cause of my skinniness...

is there any healthy meal plans I cna use to gain atleast 2-3 pounds a week?




  1. 2-3 pounds a week is a lot to try for. If you want to pack on weight, make sure to look into healthy options of doing it like building up on carbs and protein. I would also suggest working out so you get muscle as well as a little bodyfat.  

  2. If you eat a diet rich in protein and potassium, youll be able to work your way up a few lbs a month. Potassium is essential for energy, and protein is essential for building muscle, so the combination works well together.

    Dont work out too hard. Do alot of sets with lighter weights. Do 10 sets with half your maximum weight, or half of the maximum number of reps you can do if you dont use weights. Dont go overboard, stop when you feel burning or tearing. Those are signs of injury and the buildup of lactic acid, which is what really makes your muscles hurt, and it significantly lowers your strength for a few days. You can also get whats called "muscle fever" which is being incredibly sore even though you havent hurt anything, and you felt fine right after the workout. It last for a few days, and it sucks, so use the benefit of the doubt when you think you might be going overboard.

  3. The best way to gain weight is a simple herb often used by religious groups or Native Americans. Cannibis causes the user to become very hungry, and you'll eat an unnatural amount. Coupled with the lethargic attitude you'll develop I PROMISE you'll gain at least 2-3 pounds a week. If not, I'd be shocked.

    If you don't want to use illegal herbs, you could also try beer. Drink a TON of beer. It has quite a bit of calories and you should be able to shine off a 12 pack a day once you build a tolerance. Make sure you don't over-do it, though, if you puke then we've just defeated our whole forray into substance abuse as a means of gaining weight, now haven't we?

    Have fun drinking and smoking!  

  4. trying to gain 2-3lbs a week is like trying to lose 2-3lbs a week, very unhealthy. Try gaining weight by eating red meat, potatoes, bread, anything with high carbohydrates and proteins. Also lift weights. Muscle weighs more than fat so the more muscle you have the heavier you'll be. You will also look fit, not just heavier =)

    --whatever you do, do NOT try and gain weight by eating fast food! all you'll get is a one way ticket to a heart attack

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