
16 years old, falsetto question? Too soft and flute-like?

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Is this normal going through adolesence? I can hit the high stuff in the falsetto, but it's just a little too flute like. Is this normal for now?

There used to be a big break going from my chest voice to the head voice, but now it's a lot smoother also.

Is it also true that not everyone can achieve falsetto...? weird.




  1. You are lucky to have it my boy. Keep practicing. It's a rare thing and it takes balls to perfect a good voice like that.

  2. Everybody has a falsetto voice. It is that same voice that a person can use to talk to a baby using 'baby talk'

    Gino Vanelli has an awesome falsetto. I know him personally. But he also has a nice vocal range.

  3. Pretty much, every one can acheive a falsetto, but not always a clean one and it takes some practice to make the transition.

    Regarding the breathy, flutelike quality, a good vocal coach should be able to help a singer get the full, rounded tone, across the entire range.

    Still, that softer quality you describe is not always a bad thing.  I have see way too many high school musical productions where a male lead is chosen, for no better reason than he hit a note, and no consideration for the quality of that note.  I understand that the talent pool may be limited, and that boy might, just, BE the best singer that signed up.  But, that boy will have been told he has a "great" voice when, in reality, he does not.  Just look at some of those on the American Idol auditions that have that stunned look when they are told that they do not.

    But then, one hears a voice like David Archuleta, who retains that breathy timber in most of his songs.  It evokes memories of those high school leads, but, he has made that extra effort to turn that quality into a great performance.

    Ennate talent?  Good coaching?  It doesn't matter.  He was not my favorite performer, this season, but he is a terrific singer.

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