
16 yr old boy interesting about U.S navy? here are some question.?

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Hi i am living u.s Ca and i am asian and not much good at english.

and i wnna go navy when i get 18 for like 20 ~ 25 years.

so here are some of my question.

1. How old u must be to go u.s navy?

2. is there any test to join?

3. whats the point of go r.o.t.c in high school for 2 yr and go navy after graduate?

4. Do i need to graduate college to go navy?

5. how much u get pay when u first join navy and after 20 year?

6. and tell me anything about navy.




  1. Well first of all you can be 17 and join with your parents approval. I joined when I was 17 during my senior year of high school.

    You do have to pass the ASVAB, that goes for all the branches of the military. It's not that hard, more like the SAT's you have to take to get into a really good college; it's based on common knowledge you acquired all throughout high school. After you pass that then you have a screening down at MEPs (Military Entrance Processing Station) where they'll test you for drugs, diseases, eyesight, hearing, and a few other things.

    If you take R.O.T.C for 2-4 years in high school, not only you get a taste of being in the military, you can receive a promotion the minute you enter. Instead of going in as an E1 in the navy, you can start as an E2 or E3. You don't need to graduate college to join the navy, but you have to have your high school diploma or a GED. It helps if you a tad bit smarter than some.

    Your pay grade starts off at around $1245.90 for an E1 with less than 4 months of experience. If you become an E9 by year 20, you'll make about $4990.40. Sounds good?  

  2. dont do it man, you sound smart...dont go fight wars and get yourself killed. I know people say its dying for your country but ask the question; if you die in combat is anyone going to remember you? If you want to do something for your country become a scientist or change the lives of others and get ur name in the history books.

  3. 1. 18

    2. Yes

    3. You are more likely to go in at a higher rank.

    4. If you want to enlist as an officer then yes.  Otherwise no.

    5. Depends on the rank you are on what pay you get.

    6. If I had the option I would chose Navy or Air Force.  They just seem to be more appealing to me, instead of always being on land you are either at sea or in the air.  Either way you will get to see the world!

  4. 1. 17 with your parents consent.

    2. ASVAB

    3. The highest you can be going into Basic is an E-3 (but if you have college credits you can be a E-3). Once you start Basic everyone is a E-1 (but you are still whatever you are when you joined). After graduation you might rank up (if you go in as a E-2, the highest you can rank up is E-3). My boyfriend went in as a E-3.  

    4. You do not need college to join. But, you must have a HS diploma.

    5. While you are in Basic you will get paid as an E-1 ( $1,340 a month). Then E-2 $1,502....

    6. They pay for your college. You can travel around the world, and see new things. They prepare you for the real world. If you want to be a Cop as a civilian, go in as a Master-At-Arms (Law Enforcement). Fireman: Damage Controlman. There are lots of jobs you can pick.

  5. 1. 18 for all Armed Forces

    2. you have to make it through basic training, there are tests during it.

    3. just makes it easier, you are not rushed into the new system of life

    4. no, you can go after or during, they will even give you a scholarship

    5. varies widely based on skill, rank, and time served

    6. I prefer the Army, or Marines, but do what is best for you

  6. 1. You can go into basic at 17 but you must have your parent/guardian approval at that time. If they wont, than you must be 18.

    2. You have to take the ASVAB

    3. jROTC in high school for two years allows you to enlist as an E-2

    4. If you have a college degree you come in as an officer, but it is no necessary to enlist.

    5. Depends on your rank.

    6. Depends on your job!

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