
1600mg of ibuprofen and 440mg of naproxen; okay?

by  |  earlier

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I have an excruciating headache (its not frequent; just today), and to get it off I took 2 pills of Aleve to relieve the pain, and 4 pills of Advil (Ibuprofen; 800mg total [200mg per pill]).

I mistook Advil for containing acetaminophen, and took 2 400mg Ibuprofen pills I have (prescription drug of a family member).

So now, I have 440 mg of naproxen (aleve) and 1600mg of Ibuprofen in my body... um... what do I do? I don't feel any different...




  1. Next time, read the label.... the max amt of Ibuprofen in any 24 hr period is 2400 mgs... beyond that, no gain, and some side effects.  naprox sodium is as well an anti-inflammatory, useless with Ibuprofen.  

    Decide on the med you wish, read the label, then realize that any more of any of it is useless.... it's like filling a glass that will hold 8 oz.  and you keep filling it... all that happens it that water spills on the floor, in this case liver and kidney damage.

  2. well ur prob ganna be fine cause my friend took 1500mg ot tylenol.   and you only have 440mg of acetaminophen..    that drug in large dosing can cause liver failure.

  3. call the poison control immediately, that could easily be an overdose

    and your not supposed to take 2 different NSAIDs specially large amounts of it

    it might not be serius but calling can't hurt

    it you start having side effects or the poison control tells you to go to the hospital than do so

  4. It's not an overdose in the sense of being immediately dangerous.  I wouldn't call poison control.  However, the combination puts an unhealthy load on your liver and kidneys.  Don't do it again or it could lead to liver and/or kidney damage.  Maybe it's time to call the doctor or go to the emergency room if it's that severe.

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