
16th century europe.?

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What was the language of politics, trade, and inter-communication in Europe during the 1500s?

Was it French, Latin, Spanish, or Italian?




  1. This dominant language is called the 'lingua franca.'  In the late middle ages it was Italian or Latin, start of 16th century, Spanish.  Not till a century later, was it French.

  2. The answer is Latin. Latin was the international language in the Middle Ages and continued to be so during the 16th century. This was partly due to the Catholic Church and its influence all over Europe. For instance the Catholic Church was against publishing the Bible in any other language but Latin. During the Renaissance, in Italy, the Italian language was used more and more for literature like "The Divine Comedy" of Dante, But even after the Renaissance and the Reformation Latin was the language for people to communicate from one country to another. In Germany after the Reformation, the German language was used more and more. They translated the Bible into German. But Latin was still the language of science. For instance Sir Isaac Newton published his theories in Latin. German and Dutch thinkers who wanted to publish their ideas throughout Europe used Latin. Later on German replaced Latin as the language of science. Latin was the language of diplomacy but was later replaced by French. Latin was the language of music but was later replaced by Italian. When Descartes, Erasmus, Thomas More and the other important thinkers of 16th century Europe communicated they did so by Latin. Maps showing discoveries in the New World were first in Latin. I hope that this has been a help to you.  

  3. Latin was the language of the Catholic churches and the denomination was an integral part of the European kingdoms. Olde English was used most while Italian, Spanish and French were also contributors but even at that time, translators were widely used. If you were in the royal family or in the political arena, you were taught as many languages as possible.

    England was the Power behind all of the European countries, so that should tell you what language was dominant.
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