
17, pregnant & nowhere to go - advice will be greatly appreciated ?

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Please don't give me grief for getting myself in this position.

I'm 17 and pregnant. My boyfriend is 20 and is working for an agency, he's making about a grand a month if that. We can't afford to rent private property and I've been told I need to move out and it's been made clear by his side of the family that there's no room for me and the baby at his house. So it looks we both will be moving out. Ideally me and him would get a place together but at the minute I don't know what to do, we can't afford to rent somewhere privately and I don't want to be living in a hostel without my boyfriend as I wouldn't feel safe about myself or the baby.

If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated.

Please no lectures or sarcasm.

Thank you x




  1. Honey I really feel for you, I know how you feel, believe me when I say, single mums living alone get enough benefits to live off.

    Housing benefit

    Child Tax Credit

    Income Support

    Child Benefit

    Healthy Start Vouchers

    I've been through it all, it only starts getting messy if you live with your partner.

    Hope I've helped

  2. wow i admire you for keeping the child i would suggest try to get a flexible job with minimal labor like working as an office clerk for the post office they hire anybody but you have to pay to take the test or something like that and try to do online work/college in the mean time to earnn extra cash other than that the only thing i could suggest is adoption but i hope everything works well for you!!

  3. Your first stop should be your local housing authority. Then the CAB. When the baby comes you will get working families tax credits which will boost your boyfriend's salary. It would be a good idea, though, if he took a permanent job even if the overall pay was less. It makes things like benefits and rebates much easier to claim. Good Luck to the three of you!

  4. Honey there are options out there and my mind is working up some stuff for you, but it would help if I know where you lived so I could better identify with your situation.  

  5. do not let anyone tell you you can't do it or be a good mom because you CAN. Sit down and figure something out. possibly have you boyfriend go take classes some where to upgrade his career?

  6. Thats real f**ked up that yall family's are doing yall like that 4 real. Because they dont know how special that baby may be. But all I can say is try planned parenthood you can look it up on the internet and also just look up some shelters because that could be a start. N some people are looking for roomates in the greensheet and you could probably find someone willing to rent yall a room for less that $400 a month all bills paid. Hope this helps.

  7. What about your side of the family? If not your parents, maybe some other relative who will let you stay for a while whilst you get some savings behind you? Is there anyway you could pick up a bit of work before you give birth, every little helps and all that? Maybe your boyfriend could get a  second job? A cheap way to live could be a houseshare, even if it's not a long term solution, it might be OK as an interim while you come up with a better plan. If none of these are options, why not speak to the Citizens Advice Bureau, they'll know everything about finding housing, and what the score on getting on lists for council housing is.

    Good luck, hope it works out x

  8. Put yourself on the council housing list asap.  Have you decided what to do with the pregnancy yet?  And how far gone are you?

    If the council can't or won't help, Shelter should be of some use.

    You don't say where in the North East you live, so I can't give more specific help.

  9. you can do it dont tell your self you cant.. i am 17 and have a baby and i am doing it even though i do have help but there is many of people out there that do not and are making it... there are cheap apartments some where in the state u live in....let me know what state u live in and i will search for you... and trust me it will be ruff but you can make it good luck and if you want to talk

  10. you should qualify for help from the government go see your local benifits officer they're there to help ,at least in the short term till your partner can get a  better  job or you get a job after baby comes along there is a lot of help for young people with family nowadays just as long as you have goals and dont get caught in a rut on handouts just coz your 17 and pregnant does not mean you cant have a career you can do anything you put your mind to a girl i went to school with fell pregnant at 14 was kicked out and sent into care with her baby she is now a lawyer living abroad shes 32 and her daughter is at uni if she can do it so can you good luck x

  11. I have no idea what to tell you.  Maybe there's a place for unwed mothers so you can get back on your feet?  Bad situation.  I would consider not having this baby if it's still early.

  12. firstly ,regaurdless of all your stress you have to keep strong for you and the baby, could be worst ,at least the father is involved...

    try the churches in your area, they may have a program for women in your case

    I'm not sure where you live but you can search for Womens help center in your area online.

    See if you qualify for  WIC  at they can help with some food

    God Bless you!


  13. HI I am a mother of a 17 yr old so I won't be giving lectures or sarcasm.  OK (1) you said he works for an agency on about a grand a month.  Nowadays that is not a bad salary.  (2) I assume that you already live with his family as you mentioned that they wish you to move out.  I take it that moving in with your family is out of the question as you haven't mentioned them.  OK - have you considered the council i.e. applying for a flat/house with them.  I know it is difficult as it works on a point system.  Let me give you a scenario that happened to one of our neighbours daughters:  she was pregnant, boyfriend wanted to move in with her; she applied to the council as a single parent - given a flat.  Boyfriend stayed with his parents for a year (whilst still providing and maintaining his child).  After the year they got married and moved into the flat.  He/they now pay the normal council rent for the flat but it is way below what they would pay in the private sector.  Happy ever after - but it took a while.  It is a sad fact of life nowadays but you will get more as a single parent.  The only other option is to get married and make a go of it.  I know that a grand a month seems little to you, but as I said it's not a bad salary in today's climate.  My husband has worked for the same company for 30 years and is on £1,500 per month and believe me I have a lot more outgoings - well I have a 17 year old to finance and you know how much they cost - joke!  I would love to help you more.  Post again if you require more help and I will open my email to you.

  14. Try speaking to a priest, minister, rabbi - someone within your religious affiliation, if you have one.  Look up social service agencies in your town.  I'm so sorry your parents are kicking you out.  I think that's horrible.  And his parents out to be ashamed of themselves, too.  You both need all the love, help and support you can get right now.  Remind your parents that it's their grandchild they're kicking out, as well.    Good Luck  

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