
17.4 second for a 30 meter freestyle with a dive and one flip good or what?

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knwo ing that i can go 15 meter in 7.7 seconds and i am a 19 years old male with almost 3 month of training only




  1. You should give your time in common lengths, like 25, 50 and 100 meters. You should be in 50 meters, given your age. And a good time for your age would be anywhere from 24-20 ish. I can go 25 meters in about 12/13 seconds. My 50 meter is about a 29.  But I'm a 13 year old girl.

  2. it would be much easier to judge if you gave your times in one lap increments, like 25m and 50m. 17.4 seems a little bit slow, although meters are slower than yards. When I swam competitive in yards 22-23 seconds is a pretty decent 50yd, 21 and below is really good. so add around 2 seconds to those times because meters are longer and you would have some good 50m times.

  3. You are doing respectably well for as much training you've done, but need to improve quite a bit to be competitive with men your age.

    Your average speed over 15 meters is 1.997 m/sec.

    Your average speed over 30 meters is 1.72 m/sec.

    That's a pretty steep drop in speed, but that's not unusual for someone who hasn't trained much.

    The standard event (at least in the US) that is closest to what you are swimming now is the 50 *yard* freestyle (45.75 meters + 1 flip turn).

    A bristling fast time for that event (for a man your age) would be 20 seconds (2.28 m/sec).

    A fairly decent time for a guy who has some swimming experience would be 24 seconds (1.91 m/sec).

    An ok time for a man who doesn't do much swimming but is in good physical condition would be 28 seconds (1.63 m/sec).

    So your current speed puts you in the "ok" range, but that's assuming you can maintain that speed for a longer distance. You are doing well, and are obviously proud of what you have accomplished. Keep it up!

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