
17 & Everyone is against me keeping her?

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I just found out i'm pregnant with a girl

i'm 15 wks. & i'm 17

My mom wants me to give it up for adoption

My boyfriend thinks i'm stupid and should have gotten an abortion

My dad wants me to give her to him and his wife to raise.

Is it possible to raise a baby when everyone is against you???

( First time yahoo!answers user, not sure how this whole thing works :(

<3 Maybeth




  1. It&#039;s really up to you and what you want

  2. They seem like they&#039;re against you because of fear. I&#039;m sure you&#039;ve heard it before but I&#039;ll say it again a baby is hard to take care. You are 17 and you will be going through many different changes in the upcoming years your perspective on life will change.

    However, having a baby is not the worst thing in the world. At this time you should be thinking of yourself and what is best for you. If you feel you are able to take care of a baby right now then go through with it. Keep in mind there will be certain things that you won&#039;t be able to experience once you have a baby because that is a lifetime commitment and responsibility. You have to be mentally and physically able to do all the things that are expected of you as a mother. Don&#039;t give your child up for adoption that&#039;s not right. You are perfectly able of becoming a great mother I do advise you finish school so that you will be able to provide for your child after she&#039;s here everything else will fall into place.

  3. Firstly, how do you know your having a girl at 15 weeks???

    Secondly, Get rid of your boyfriend! if thats his opinion he aint going to be a great dad.

    If you want this baby, do EVERYTHING possibly to make sure it has the best upbringing...and stuff what your parents think really! (they will prob come around in the end anyways)

    It is possible to raise a child with people against you, your baby is 100% all that matters... stuff everyone else.

  4. Your boyfriend sucks, so does your mom your dad is just trying to help but you CAN raise a baby when everyone is against you love conquers all sweetie!!  Good luck and congrats you&#039;ll be a great mommy!!

  5. 15 weeks is considered past your first trimester, so at this point you can&#039;t actually get an abortion. I think you should talk to your boyfriend again -- culturally, he may have the idea that &quot;abortion is best,&quot; but the way it stands now is that YOU have the decision and the power to make the choice.

    So, the adoption part of it is absolutely up to you. Have you considered open adoption? I&#039;m not sure if you know this, but the cost of raising a baby pretty high.

    Costs aside, there are plenty of couples here in the United States who want to raise a child, but simply can&#039;t. Adoption out the country is getting harder and harder. Open adoption lets you visit and be a part of your little girl&#039;s life while making sure her future is as open as it possibly can be.

    Raising a little girl on your own is incredibly different, especially when it comes to helping pay for little things that can eventually lead to bigger things -- like a college education or living in neighborhoods that allow her access to better schools.

    Since it seems like your parents are divorced, your support system seems pretty fragmented.  

  6. I would say F*#$ them...  

  7. I say, s***w what everyone else thinks.  You are making the right decision.  You need to ditch the so-called &quot;boyfriend&quot; because he obviously cares nothing about you or he would support your decision.  Your mom will come around once she sees that little girl, trust me.  So will your dad.  But the guy is never going to grow up!

  8. Your one of the first i read to actually want to keep your baby.I like you.:P.haha.

    Well im 16 and im pregnant and personally my baby helps me so freaking much already.Yes it is possible for you to keep your baby and raise it when others are against it.Kinda selfish of your dad though in all honesty.I wouldnt ever give my baby up.:)

  9. well i say u can do what ever it is u put ur mind to . my mother got pregnant at 16 and kept my brother . and its not easy . i am 19 and just had a daughter 10 months go on my birthday . and i could give her away for nothing in the world .its been hard at time but when she looks up and says momma i almost cry i love her so much . u can get help u can do it if u want to keep the baby  

  10. beleive in yourself, you can do it. Keep your baby no matter what.

  11. its very possible. its urs n ur babys life! u have every rite to keep her!  

  12. Yes, it is possible. You are officially the mother of this unborn baby and you should not let anyone tell you what to do, what you should have done, or anything else for that matter. Family should stick together and support each other no matter what. Your boyfriend is a d**k, if he would rather you kill an innocent human being, than to keep the baby and raise it. I know your parents&#039; think it is in your best interest to give your baby to a family that is more prepared to provide a stable environment for the baby, but you can too. If you feel you can love, support, and nurture this baby girl...then you do just that. I&#039;m sure you will do fine...and once your family lays eyes on that beautiful baby girl in 5 1/2 months, they will be crushed by the guilt of wanting you to give your baby away. Good luck and Congrats!  

  13. The simple fact is that she&#039;s your daughter.  The first rule of parenting is that you know best for your child and must do what you know to be best regardless of what anyone else says, thinks or does, including your parents.

    If you want to keep her, keep her.  You will live with regret for the rest of your life if you do anything other than what you know to be the right decision for you.  

  14. Oh my goodness. I feel so bad for your situation, with everyone telling you something different.

    First, your boyfriend is being dumb. He doesn&#039;t understand what it&#039;s like to be a woman &amp; get pregnant. He needs to know that it&#039;s not just that easy.

    I think that you may regret it if you give it up for adoption, that&#039;s just what I think. But, it&#039;s also the thing that do you think the baby would have a better life with you or another family?

    I think your dad might have a good opinion. I mean, I understand you want to raise it...but maybe you can finish high school &amp; until then your dad can help raise it. That has its complications though.

    I can&#039;t even imagine what you&#039;re going through.

    But, if you think you can hold your own with a baby, then it will be your daughter. Yours. You&#039;ll be an adult in less than a year, also.

    I think you should make your own decision.

    But, that&#039;s just my opinion =]

    Good luck! Your baby will have a wonderful mother either way.  

  15. your boyfriend is an a*****e!

  16. wow you found out the baby was a girl early..

    Dont listen to anyone its your body and your baby

  17. Yes, you just have to hold your head up high, not listen to what other people say and do what you think is best for you and your child. Congratulations.

  18. keep the baby!!!!!!!!!!! if u got rid oof her and evr had another child l8er i life wouldnt u be weird feelings about how u left ur first baby!!!!?? :[[ please keep the poor lil girl and luv her nomadder what ANYONE els said!!!!

  19. i am 17 and have 2 dont care what everyone else thinks and if they kick you out of the house there are a lot of programs out there that will help you and give you shelter so that way you can take care of the baby. Don&#039;t ever let anyone make you feel like c**p because what you want is what feels right.

  20. o sweetie keep ur baby girl if that&#039;s what you want then keep her dont listen to no one else and yea ditch the boyfriend put him on child support and ur mother will come around once she sees ur lil bundle of joy

  21. Yeah I agree with most everyone here. I had my first at 20 and I thought that was young but I too had my mom and everyone wanting me to do something besides keep it. I didn&#039;t tell my mom until I was 5 month along and she was not happy I will just say that what you and only you feel is right because you are young and your so called boyfriend wont be around forever trust me. You need to get rid of your boyfriend and do what you feel is right for you not whats going to be right for someone else its your life. Well good luck and don&#039;t let anyone try and live your life.

  22. you do what you think is best for you and your baby,!! she&#039;s yours not theirs, you can do it if thats what you deside. and to Banorange what a wonderful answer!! god bless you and your baby.  

  23. If your boyfriend isn&#039;t supportive of your decision, break up with him. Explain to your mother and father that you are stable enough to take care of this baby, but only if you are. If you&#039;re having doubts, look at all of your options and how much support you really have. If your mom and dad will stick by you or another relative or close friend, continue with raising on your child. Just don&#039;t be close minded ;)

  24. i think it&#039;s  sad that no one is supporting you in your time of need, it&#039;s hard enough to be pregnant and on top of it you have this added pressure. it is easy for other people to tell you what to do  because they aren&#039;t going through it , you need to do what you feel in your heart is right for you

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