
17 and pregnant question---?

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I am 17 and pregnant and my bf is on total lockdown hes so afraid of something happening to me or the baby that hes driving my whole family crazy.. please give me a list of some things not to do-

(By the way i know im not old enough for most of you but get over it im the one who has to live my life not you- all im asking for is some answers, so if your going to leave things like- ohh your a teen mother- tisk tisk on you!!! please dont its a waste of time- thanks)




  1. Clean and be around chemicals. Don't be in the sun to long.. Drink plenty of water.. Eat healthy. If you going to have steak has to be well done and chicken needs be fully cooked. And take your prenatal vitamins very day.

  2. be proud that he loves you and the baby so much that he wants to protect yall all the time just appreciate it

    p.s. if you dont want comments, dont include your age, it wasnt needed for the question

  3. Do exactly what everyone ha told you above.  By the way studies have shown that music is good for the baby and that while your baby is an infant if they are fussy and are having trouble faling asleep put the same music on that you had them listen to in the woumband they will fall asleep.  It worked with all three of my cousins.  Tea is also very good especially Lipton tea.  And RELAX don't get too stressed.  AND CONGRATS ON THE BABY!!!!

  4. how pregnant are you?

    dont drink

    dont smoke

    dont eat **** food all the time

    eat lots of fibre

    dont over exercise, yoga and swimming are  your best bets later on.

    cna continue with cardio in your first trimester (though you will be to busy spewing)

    ask your doctor and also there are alot of hellpfull web pages.

    good luck babe! and congratulations!

  5. I have a friend in a similar situation and she isn't handling it very well either. I'm going to tell you like I told her, its best to sit down with your babys daddy and explain to him that you and the baby are fine. If that doesnt calm him down then assure him that theres nothing he can do in the big house so he should lay off. Hope I was helpfull!

  6. Listen to your doctor -- and get regular prenatal check ups if you aren't doing it now.  Being pregnant is a natural process - most everyday activities are fine.  Buy the BF a book about pregnancy from the male point of view - a funny/cool/informative one is  "My boys can swim: The Official Guys Guide To Pregnancy".  Good luck and be strong.  Being a parent is wonderful - but it ain't easy.

  7. The obvious--no cartwheels, alcohol, cigs or drugs, maybe cut out roller coasters, although I'm not sure if that's really an issue til your 3 or months along. Any physical activity that you're used to, continue. Exercise is important as it will help keep you from gaining too much weight and it will help make the delivery easier. No matter what people tell you, you CAN raise your arms over your head, take a batch, etc.

    When I was pregnant I heard a lot of crazy stuff that I wasn't supposed to do, but the fact is, you're pregnant, not disabled. I would tell your bf that, and if there's something you're concerned about, ask your doctor.

  8. how about going to the doctors with him for a check up =) your boyfriend might feel more relieved and feel more comfortable that hes going through these steps with you. tell him how much he means to you so he feels that reassurance, having him say it back, will also make you feel more comfortable and loved. seeing that your family is alright with you having a baby with your boyfriend, talk to mom one on one. moms seem easier to talk to and better listeners, besides, she can relate about being pregnant. =) hope things turn out alright!

  9. Tell your boyfriend that you are pregnant, not a china doll:) Your Dr. will let you know what you should and shouldn't be doing, but simple things are; don't lift heavy objects, generally over 10 or 15 pounds, don't run, don't be climbing trees and ladders. You know your body and if you are over doing things it will let you know. You can do the same things you normally would be doing, just know your limitations. There is a baby in there so be careful, but don't just sit and do nothing because with a baby comes baby weight. Nothing strenuous. If you have to strain your belly, it's best not to do it. Good luck sweet and best wishes.

  10. well all you can do is try to listen to what he has to say. try to be as healthy as possible and tell him to go to the library to get pregnancy books for you. show him that you are careful and just hope that he calms down. by the way. i had twins at 16 so i know what your talking about. just do the best you can to take care of that baby and show them that you can take care of yourself. i'm 18 now and i have my own place. i'm married to the dad. and we totally support ourself. so you can do it. don't worry.

  11. my sister had a baby at 18 so its alright.. i think you guys should get married and start a life together... if you do keep the baby(which you should, because abortion is completely wrong) it will be a lot harder to go to college and stuff but you can still do it! definitely i wouldnt get an abortion.. if you dont want the baby put it up for adoption

  12. Excess Alcohol

    Studies have repeatedly shown that frequent drinking and binge drinking cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other birth defects. If you're tipsy, the baby's drunk. The best rule is to limit yourself to one single drink, such as a glass of wine, with food. Just one, and if you had one yesterday, don't have one today, too. Choose drinks that are low in alcohol.

    Excess Caffeine

    Studies do link caffeine to ADD, ADHD, and migraines. Large amounts may be linked to low birth weight. Having up to 3 cups of coffee, 4 at the most, is okay. Anything more than that is really pushing the limit and may have adverse effects on your fetus. If you're bouncing off of the walls, that's probably not a good thing!

    Excess Diet Soda

    The artificial sweeteners in soda, such as aspartame, can cause cancer. Studies have shown that they can have harmful effects on babies in the womb. If you want to have a diet coke with your lunch, go ahead. Just don't guzzle it down all the time, because too much of it is bad for you and your baby.

    Tobacco and Recreational Drugs

    Cigarettes contain thousands of ingredients that do cross the placenta. They can have very damaging effects on your baby. Smoking and being exposed to large amounts of second-hand smoke can lead to premature birth and babies with low birth weights. Recreational drugs also carry a large number of risks for you and your baby during pregnancy. Stop using them altogether while you are expecting.

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