
17 days on the east cast of Australia or 17 days in Thailand, Hong Kong & Singapore. what appeals the most?

by  |  earlier

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I have the time of work, the funds available but can't decide at all which one to go for, i've changed my mind 10 times so far and just can't decide what to do. If you was offered either of these trips for free, what would you choose?




  1. Hi. As l don't know what part of the world you live's a bit difficult to answer this question..BUT.. here's my suggestion.

    If you're looking to have a shopping holiday and/or go to lots of girlie bars..then go to Asia.  On the otherhand..if you're after a great sightseeing trip..great beaches..cosmopolitan cities..friendly people..and an occasional girlie bar :-)..then come to OZ.  

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