
17 year old fancy's me! HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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Heyy I'm 13. i went out with my sister and her friends yesterday, to help them buy stuff for their camping trip. and my sister told me today. that her ex fancy's me. now i am a bit scared.. and disturbed as he is 17, 4 years difference. there is noo way i would even think of going out with him. it just makes me sick to think about it. i am going to see him today and i feel really embarrassed and dont know what to do?

He is still one of my sisters best friends. but i dont even want to see him.

My friend and me are camping with them. in our garden.

PLease help!




  1. Just Ignore it if he asks you just gently set him the right way.

    Did your Friend actually tell you that he liked you with fact or opinion?

  2. Act as if he doesn't fancy you and don't flirt or anything like that and maybe he'll get over you.  

  3. umm is she joking?? make absolute sure cos i **** my little sister like that..

    if he does your lucky..

    just avoid him. simple as. just get a different tent and zip yourself away in there or sleep in your room.

    but i just reckon that your sister and him are trying to create some fun for the evening.

  4. Don't totally avoid him but like if he makes you feel awkward or weird just go back into your house =] lol

    Oh im 14.. and this 18 year old likes me .. when i see him he's very  how should i put it em.. clingy? so if they act like that just say sorry i'm not intrested its what i did.. but he's still doing it lol.. i guess i'm getting on with it good luck any way =] xox

  5. I think you are very sensible having your doubts about this man, he nearly is. I know this sounds harsh but praps he likes young girls tooooo much. be careful.

  6. haha thats quite an aqward situation you've got yourself muddled up in. Just stay well away from him and if he tries to make a move on you just tell him where to go. :P

  7. God your lucky somebody that old likes you.

    But dont look at him, talk to him, avoid all convo with him. h**l soon move on

  8. just stay away from him

  9. Break up with him.

  10. don't mention anything about it, & avoid looking at him, just talk to him like you don't know about it.

  11. pretend you dont know he fancies you and just act normally

    4 years isnt that much difference

    my dad is 15 years older than my mam

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