
17 year old grand daughter ran away from mom in New Orleans. Came to me. I'm her Grand mother! live in OKC?

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My daughter has seven kid's. My 17 year old grand daughter looks like Sophia Loren. I'm 61 years old. I try to make my grand daughter happy, but i know she has to be bored, and i don't have the energy, or money to make her happy? Daughter of mine blacked my grand daughters eye. My grand daughter wears low cut blouses. I tell her i don't like it. She says, that's the style. Help good advice please.




  1. Well, that IS the style - she's 17, let her dress her self. Don't send her back to your daughter, and you may want to file a lawsuit to get your other grandchildren.

  2. Styles DO change and I commend you for being willing to at least consider letting your granddaughter dress as she pleases.

    While I think it's important she feel confident (and perhaps she does by dressing "cool"), I don't think she should be allowed to wear clothing that makes you feel uncomfortable. If the clothing is really all that inappropriate, you should tell her that as long as she is staying with you, she isn't to wear it.

    If you're really not all that bothered, then let her be.

  3. My little sister is just like that...oh jeez. I say you sit her down and tell her that she follows your rules which would be better than going home and being abused or she goes back to where she lived before. She needs to know when your living in someone elses house you follow theyre rules all the way. Also tell her you love her but you can only do so much so its your way or back home

  4. well you dont have to try THAT hard to please her. Just make her start going to school and then she will make her own life to be uccupied with........

    i would be worried about the other 6 kids!  talk to your daughter!

  5. If she is a run away, you need to contact police.  Based on her age, they MIGHT allow her to remain with you but if she has been reported, she is wanted by police and you harboring her could get you in trouble.  Atleast contact the mother and/or police and let them know she is there.

    Second, how pretty your granddaughter is has nothing to do with it.  It does not matter if she looks like Sophia Loren or everyone says how beautiful she is...I mean it is great that she is beautiful but that is irrelevent to the situation.

    That your daughter abused her is relevent.  After you contact the police to inform them of her whereabouts, be sure they know about the abuse.  They will probably have authorities in New Orleans look into the welfare of the other children as well.  But...are you willing to care for your oldest granddaughter?  And what about her siblings if they are removed from the home?  If she is tiring you out, six more is not going to be possible.

    DO NOT let her wear low cut blouses.  If you do not find it acceptable, do not allow it.  Style or not, it is inappropriate for her to wear and for her to talk back to you about it.

    I hope this helps.

  6. "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree." Your granddaughter didn't come to you for entertainment or advice, but rather as a safe haven in the middle of a confused and stressful life. Be yourself. Strive to be the best example to her that you can be. Right now, she needs a sane and stable environment. Find out from the local authorities about temporary custody. Get her enrolled in school, where she can be in a structured environment and make new friends. The best thing you can give her right now is unconditional love.

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