Hi im 17 years old, when i was about 8 i had an operation and before i went to theatre they asked if i had any wobbly teeth and i didnt, they checked my teeth twice and said i had no wobbly ones and it was fine to go ahead with the surgery. When i woke up, the right tooth at the top next to my front one had gone. When we asked about it the anaesthatist said that it was loose and he had to remove it but me and my mum know that it wasnt loose because it was an adult tooth. We tried to claim because of it but never got anything, i have since seen the anaesthatist and he has admitted that he struggled to get the breathing tube in and knocked my tooth out. My teeth have spread out nicely however i dont like my gaps! my teeth were perfect before this happend. I seen an orthodontist and he did a mold of my teeth and he said a brace wouldnt help because it would pull the two front ones together but i would have a bigger gap at the side! what can i do? i dont want a false tooth. how would capping work because there is no tooth there? is there anything i can have done because i feel self consious about it. people say my smile is nice because its not one big gap its just a few small ones but i hate it. please help!