
17 yr old boy wants to go on holiday with mates/friends?

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I have a 17 year old boy, who, mind you, is fairly responsible and mature, who wants to go away for a week during school holidays. He wants to drive to the destination (3 hrs away) and stay a week with his friends. Mainly boys - about 4 boys and 1 girl (tentative). As a mum I have problems with this - ie travelling with P plate drivers his same age, being alone in another house with friends his own age and no adult supervision. An alternative is camping. However, I am really not comfortable with either one - and have said "no". Am I being over protective/ too conservative/ restrictive? Has anyone else experienced a similar situation and what did you do? What was your experience? At what age should you let them "go" and go away by themselves?




  1. I'd say you have to give him some leanway. There is a chance that he could get into trouble, but if he's responsible I doubt he will and part of life if being independent and actually living. I'd say give him some guidelines. Like no alcohol, things like that. But if it was me, I'd let him go.

    It may be scary to think, but next year he'll be an adult and can legally do just about anything he wants. I think if you give him too many boundaries now, he's just going to do these things when he knows he can, and probably without any guidelines or boundaries you set.

    At seveteen my parents let me and a few friends drive interstate, stay there with a few friends (including some guys) and fly back after a week (we would have driven home but one of my friends stayed for a week longer than us). My parents figured that letting me go on their terms would stop me from rebelling and the trip turned out perfectly. I was just happy that my parents had trusted and respected me enough to let me go, so I stayed out of trouble on the trip. I think your son would do the same.

  2. Your intuition is correct. Just imagine what a bunch of 17 or so year-old do when they're alone. Surely there will be booze and god knows what else.

    I think the main problem is driving with others his age-as "old" as he is, he is just one year-old behind the wheel.

    Do you know the other kids? How well do you know them? Will he has a cell phone so you can contact him?

  3. Sounds like he want’s to go on a school leaver’s trip. (A week long holiday with friends after school exams)

    This is perfectly normal for some one of his age, & yes he will be drinking till he throws up, passing out, and trying to "get some".

    I say let him go!!! Set some strict ground rules regarding driving!!! (Too many deaths due to drink driving & speeding!) Let him know that no matter how much things may go wrong you'll be there for him. But don't stick your neck out & provide him with Alcohol.

    Try to get to know his friends & talk to their parents before they go.

    don't nurse him when he comes home with a huge hangover!!!

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