
177 million children overweight in the world?

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I know child obesity is getting out of hand but why are the parents with so called normal sized children being targeted again, do gooders are trying to ban cartoon characters advertising take aways and ban childrens gifts with a meal, surely it`s up to the overweight childrens parents to get there children on healthy meals and let the parents who do care about there children`s health let them carry on taking there children for once a month treat to a Kentucky or suchlike and get a gift.




  1. many of them are underweight and suffering from anorexia , clinics are springing up everywhere

    it was called puppy fat years ago , most will grow out of it

    genetics and illnesses play a part so do computer games

  2. wow...i didn't knw so many kids were overweight!

  3. Wow isnt that the same figure in Billions as McDonalds profits ?

  4. I as thinking the earth was feeling a lil heavier as i carried it on my shoulders

  5. makes up for ther 100 000 000 staving to deathl.

  6. I have two underweight children, and yes, I too am concerned with this propaganda.  My one daughter is particularly thin and I have to force her to eat, encouraging her to eat full fat products, etc etc.

    My other daughter is very active - she needs to eat more.  She is also very self conscious about her looks and is terrified of being fat.

    So yes, I think it can be dangerous, this obsession with low fat/calorie controlled eating.

    We need to educate kids into what they need to eat and what their body needs.  Children should fill up on healthy food and if that includes a kfc every now and again, it won't do them any harm.

  7. See that computer thing you're sitting in front of, that's making the kids fat that is.

    Kids these days spend far less time playing and running around and far more time sat on their fat arrses doing daft stuff on computers.  That is the main cause of the problem I think.

    75% of Americans are overweight, while 12% of the rest are considered "food insecure".  How messed up is that!!!?

  8. Nothing will stop child obesity or adult obesity. People know what is good to eat and what isnt now. A little happy meal does not make a child obese. Its lack of exercise that does it mainly and that is what should be targeted I agree its not fair to stop doing these meals for a treat and even overweight children can have them if its part of a balanced diet.

  9. aren't the underweight ones in greater danger, how many of them are there?

  10. the parents are killing the children. obesity causes  diabetes, heart problems etc leading to early death. it is NOT  ok to be fat as someone here said. if good parents with slim chidren are targeted along side the bad parents with fat children , im sure they can cope with it if it means a fat child gets slimmer . if anyone doesnt believe that obesity leads to early death then take a look inside  elderly peoples homes. you wont find obese people  there because they all died young

  11. It's like there trying to kill there children and reck them from being healthy when there older but the parents just don't care anymore and they just feed them something quick and easy. Trust me when I have kids, I'm not going to make that mistake!

  12. if this had been taken far more seriously a decade or so ago

    MAYBE this 29-year-old wouldn't have needed to buried, using a mechanical digger to lift his 52 STONE body, plus the weight of the extra wide coffin.

    if it saves just one child, isn't it worth it?

    Obesity is swamping the West ( & spreading ) as quickly as willpower & common sense is diminishing.

    Sorry to state the obvious but this has to be done, to make fat parents responsible & accountable, for their unhealthy kids.

    A treat is a treat, I grant you

    but not all parents are capable of seeing their kids are fat, unhealthy or eating too much junk, they're too busy TREATING their kids to realise the long-term damage they are doing & need to be reminded.

  13. these kids are fat b******s and should be eliminated

  14. The Skeptic in me has to know how the "177 million" was determined. - that's a lot of little pokers. But really stop thinking that having a fat population is a bad thing. It only reflects the available of food. Having a large food supply is a good thing.

    Now seriously I couldn't care less about this.

  15. Yeah spooky stuff, because usually i've noticed the kid is normal looking and the parents are like whoah! But eventually that parent will get em on the road to being overweight, "dont you want cheese on that?"

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