
17l (4gallon) empty fish tank with heater, what should i put in it?

by  |  earlier

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obviously not a lot cause it's not a huge tank

but i wondered if anyone could recommend a type of fish that would be happy in these conditions...i also want something that's easy to look after :)


(p.s I've already got a beta in an another tank of similar size so i don't want another one of them)




  1. hiya,

    i reckon any of the following would be fine, but whatever you chose, be sure to check the individual species requirements on temperature, etc.  

    6 white cloud mminnow


    6 neon, cardinal, glowlight, black widow, etc, etc... tetra


    6 harlequin rabsora (prefer bigger shoals, though)


    6 zebra/ pearl danio (they will mix, 3 of each is fine)

    so on and so forth... these are the fish i have in my community tank- small shoaling fish are your best option- they will need plenty of plants (fake are fine if it's filtered/airated) to hide in, though, so 6 is probably the most you can have- 7 at a push- depending on what ornaments, etc, are in there taking up space! (or if it's really well filtered)

    anything else, just let us know :)

  2. Maybe some Danios or Tetras?  (of course you need to research their schooling requirements and size)

    Or a pair of dwarf gouramis?

  3. 4 guppies

    6 danios

    4 platies

    all fish need filters

  4. Not many options im afraid, with such a small tank. You could probably do 3-4 neon tetras, two guppies, or... a beta. Thats really all I can think of!

  5. The best fish to have in a small tank is probably 6 neon tetras and one baby pleco and 1-3 snails because the pleco will clean the algae while the snail cleans the bottom of the tank. The reason for a BABY pleco is so you can watch it grow. I wouldnt buy goldfish in a small tank because they never you a heater and they are extremely messy.

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